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Compiled by Barbara Black
This column welcomes the submissions of all Concordia faculty and staff to promote and encourage individual and group activities in teaching and research, and to encourage work-related achievements.
Patricia Morley (English, Emerita) has published The Mountain is Moving: Japanese Women¹s Lives (UBC Press). She will give a reading from the book at the Simone de Beauvoir Institute, where she is an honorary lifetime fellow, next September.
Robert Tittler (History) has been selected as an external examiner for a University of Toronto PhD thesis, elected to the executive council of the North American Conference on British Studies, chosen as an external evaluator of the History program at the University of Victoria, and is a founding member of the editorial board of a journal launched at McMaster University this month, called Early Theatre.
Morton Stelcner (Economics, and president of CUFA) participated in the 1999 annual meetings of the Allied Social Sciences Associations, which took place in New York in early January. He was a member of a panel organized by the National Economic Association on Cross-National Comparisons of Inter-group (Racial and Ethnic) Economic Disparity. He summarized the findings of his research in a paper, ³Earnings Differentials among Ethnic Groups in Canada: 1991.²
Malcolm Coker, a doctoral candidate in Art Education, presented a paper last month in Dakar, Senegal, titled ³Indigenous Education and National Development in Africa: A Case Study of Traditional Artists in Sierra Leone.² The occasion was the general assembly of the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa.
S.K. Goyal and Fasil Nebebe (Decision Sciences/MIS) recently had a paper accepted by the European Journal of Operational Research. It was called ³Determination of Economic Production: Shipment Policy for a Single-Vendor, Single-Buyer System.²
At the Canadian Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship conference, held in Halifax last fall, Linda Dyer and Christopher Ross (Management) won the Best Paper Award for their paper, ³Promotional Activities of Black Entrepreneurs: A Preliminary Analysis.² They also presented a paper called ³Sources of Advice for the Entrepreneur.² These papers bring to four which the pair have published thanks to FRDP grants from Concordia, and a fifth has been submitted for publication.
Lewis Poteet (English, retired) was in the Maritimes in November, talking about his interest in slang and graffiti. He addressed faculty at the University of Prince Edward Island, gave a paper at the University College of Cape Breton, and was interviewed for Vision TV.
William Buxton (Communication Studies) had a paper and a review published in the Canadian Journal of Communication. The paper was on Harold Innis, and the review was of a book about James Carey. He also had an article on Talcott Parsons and Georg Simmel published in The American Sociologist. Buxton has also written, with Charles R. Acland, a study called American Philanthropy and Canadian Libraries: The Politics of Knowledge and Information.
Frank G. Müller (Economics) gave the keynote speech at the National LEAD (Leadership for Environment and Development) Seminar, at El Colegio de Mexico, in Mexico City, in November. His paper was called ³Valuing and Safeguarding Biological Diversity as a Global Responsibility.²
Dale Doreen (IAMBA) spoke on ³Educating Tomorrow¹s Leaders Today² at Transportation Days 1998, a briefing for airline and airport CEOs held in Boca Raton, Florida, in early December.
Ted Stathopoulos, Director of the Centre for Building Studies, and Adjunct Associate Professor Patrick Saathoff (both, Building, Civil and Environmental Engineering), were invited lecturers at a noon-hour conference of the Institut de Recherche en Santé et Sécurité du Travail du Québec (IRSST) on January 21. Their lecture, ³Dispersion atmosphérique des évacuations de bâtiments: risques de contamination de prises d¹air neuf,² was attended by a good crowd of engineers from industry. Louis Lazure, ventilation engineer from IRSST, also participated in the seminar.
Hal Thwaites (Communication Studies) was conference publishing chair at the Virtual Systems and MultiMedia98
conference, held in Gifu, Japan, in November. He gave two presentations, ³Communication Analysis: A Protocol for Virtual
World Heritage Creation² and ³Ville de Québec: An Analysis and Proposal for a Virtual World Heritage Site.² At the same
event, Gregory P. Garvey, Chair of Design Art, presented ³Speculations on the Split Brain Human Computer Interface.²
Garvey also stopped in Singapore, where he discussed research and educational exchange opportunities between Concordia
and the Singapore Polytechnics.