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Events, notices and classified ads must reach the Public Relations Department (BC-115) in writing no later than Thursday, 5 p.m. the week prior to the Thursday publication. For more information, please contact Eugenia Xenos at 848-4279, by fax: 848-2814 or by e-mail: ctr@alcor.concordia.ca .
The Applied Psychology Centre in the Department of Psychology offers confidential psychotherapy and assessment for adults, couples, families, children and teenagers. By appointment only. Call 848-7550.
May 27 June 26
Random: the Undergraduate Student Exhibition, Faculty of Fine Arts. Leonard and Bina Ellen Art Gallery, 1400 de Maisonneuve W. Vernissage: May 27, 6 p.m. Free admission. Info: 848-4750.
For more information and prices on the following courses, please contact Donna Fasciano, Training Coordinator, Environmental Health and Safety, 848-4355, or Fascdo@alcor.concordia.ca
May 27 -- Heartsaver
May 29 -- Baby Heartsaver
May 30 -- Heartsaver
June 5 -- Basic Life Support recertification
June 10 -- Heartsaver
June 13 -- Heartsaver Plus
Centre for Teaching and Learning Services
The Centre for Teaching and Learning Services has produced a video, Teaching Large Classes at Concordia: Voices of Experience, which features Concordia faculty teaching large classes and addresses issues such as classroom management, grading, cheating and making use of resources. If you would like to borrow the video, please call 848-2495 or e-mail CTLS@alcor.concordia.ca
Spring street festival
The Sherbrooke St. W. Merchants Association, a non-profit organization, will hold a sidewalk sale combined with an amateur art competition, face painting, clowns and music. May 28 to 30, on Sherbrooke St. W., between Grey and Cavendish. Info: Diane Smith, 482-2435.
"The Master Within"
The non-sectarian Rosicrucian Order presents this informal conversation, open to the public, on Friday, May 28, at 8 p.m. Fourth floor, 2295 St. Marc St. Refreshments. Info: Carmen Brereton, 626-0951, or rose_deneuve@hotmail.com
Chinese Cinema, 1933-49, at the J.A. DeSve Cinema, 1400 de Maisonneuve W. Info: 848-3443.
Friday, May 28
8 p.m.: Songhuajian Shang (Along the Sungari River), Jin Shan, 1947, 130 min., Mandarin, EST
Saturday, May 29
7 p.m.: Dalu (The Highway), Sun Yu, 1934, 104 min., music track
Saturday, May 29
9 p.m.: Shizi Jietou (Crossroads), Shen Xiling, 1937, 110 min., Mandarin, EST
Sunday, May 30
6 p.m.: Shengsi Tongxin (Unchanged Heart in Life and Death), Ying Yunwei, 1936, 90 min., Mandarin, EST
Sunday, May 30
8 p.m.: Songhuajian Shang (Along the Sungari River), Jin Shan, 1947, 130 min., Mandarin, EST
Monday, May 31
Professor emeritus James Stevens Curl, De Montfort University, Leicester, will speak on "A Transplanted Culture: the City of London and the Plantation of Ulster." 7 p.m., H-762, 1455 de Maisonneuve W. Free. Info: 848-2435.
Wednesday, June 9
Professor Wolfgang Zach, University of Innsbruck, will speak on "Jonathan Swift and Ireland," 7 p.m., H-762, 1455 de Maisonneuve W. Free. Info: 848-2435.
Concordia's Legal Information Services offers free and confidential legal information and assistance to the Concordia community. By appointment only. Call 848-4960.
Book Fair
If you have books to donate to Concordia's October Book Fair, please drop them off at the Chaplaincy on the Loyola Campus, 2070 Mackay, Room 303, or if there are many, take them to the loading dock (marked Book Fair). There is even a West Island drop-off location if necessary. Donations accepted all year long. Info: Barbara Barclay, 848-2449.
Hosts wanted
Canadian Crossroads International is an organization involved in development awareness through cultural exchanges. CCI is looking for host families in the Montreal area for our visiting participants from Africa, Latin America and the West Indies. Their 11-week stay starts August 20 and we need short (first- and last-week) and full-length placements. If you feel you could provide a welcoming Canadian home, call Jessica at 848-3465 or e-mail jessicaj@alcor.concordia.ca
Contemporary Dance auditions
Try-outs for the dynamic three-year BFA in dance, which concentrates on developing each student's technical and creative potential for choreography, will take place August 14. Info: 848-4740, or dance@concordia.ca
Student Safety Patrol
Our drop-by and accompaniment services are offered to all of Concordia's students, faculty and staff. Call 848-7533 to reach a dispatcher, Monday to Friday, 6 p.m. to midnight. Or be a volunteer; call 848-8600 (SGW), 848-8700 (Loyola).
The Office of Rights and Responsibilities is available to all members of the University community for confidential consultations regarding any type of unacceptable behaviour, including discrimination and personal/sexual harassment, threatening and violent conduct, theft, destruction of property. Call 848-4857, or drop by 2150 Bishop, room 110.
The Ombuds Office is available to all members of the University for information, confidential advice and assistance with university-related problems. Call 848-4964, or drop by 2100 Mackay, room 100.
Peer Helpers are students who are trained in active listening skills and referrals. Drop by to talk or get information at 2090 Mackay, MI-02, or call us at 848-2859.
Daycare walkathon
Family walkathon to be held on Sunday, June 6 (rain date: Sunday, June 13) in support of the Wee Professors' Daycare (3 and 5 km walk). Registration between 11 - 11:30 a.m.; walkathon at 11:30 a.m. Fundraising BBQ on daycare premises to follow, featuring entertainment and ice cream. Contact Sandra Chang or Brenda MacDonald, Wee Professors' Daycare, 3500-3502 Belmore Avenue, 848-7788.
Ethical leadership
McGill University's Faculty of Management will present a symposium on Ethical Leadership in Organizations on May 27-28. Academics from various universities and leaders from the business community will be there, as well as Warren Allmand, president of the International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development. Info: Dr. Rabindra Kanungo, 398-4040, kanungo@management.mcgill.ca
Roommate wanted
Looking for a non-smoking roommate to share a big, beautiful, bright 7 1/2 on 2 floors close to Guy metro. $350 plus expenses/mth. Call 933-0546.
Furnished house for rent
Detached 5-bedroom cottage in Montreal West, 2 1/2 bathrooms, finished basement, parking, garden, walking distance to commuter train and all amenities. Available after July 1 for two years. $2,200 /mth, furnished. Call 848-7338, or 487-5689.
For rent
Large 6 1/2 with basement, from August 1 July 2000. Furnished, heat and light. Piano, dishwasher, P.C., laundry, 5856 Esplanade. Close to groceries, restaurants, 80 bus. $1,200/mth. Call 271-2601.
House for rent
Rustic detached small house with large backyard and fantastic view of Lachine Rapids (LaSalle). Garage, laundry. Frequent bus at top of street to green mtro line. Near bike path. Ideal for couple or single professional. Available July 1. Leave message at 368-7099.
To let in NDG
From July 1999. Fully furnished, English-style cottage. Oak woodwork, antique furniture, renovated kitchen, laundry, parking. Vendme Mtro. $2,250/mth (neg.). Call 489-5913 or 987-3000, ext. 6714.
Upper duplex for rent
Completely renovated 6 1/2. Two balconies, fireplace, hardwood floors, laundry/storage; all appliances provided. Outside parking. Residential, close to schools, shops, buses (Terrebonne/Royale). $1,000 unheated. Available end of July, beginning of August. Call (450) 242-2807.
Cellphone for sale
Clearnet phone complete with cover and documentation. $45. Contact dickd@vax2.concordia.ca or 848-7615.
Laptop for sale
VisioNote, 233 MHz Pentium, 64 MB Ram, 12.1 TFT SC 9800 screen, 24 X CD-ROM, 1.44 MB floppy drive, 56K fax modem, removable hard drive, printer port, mouse and some software. $1,950. Call 768-5363 after 6 p.m.
Healing through touch
Reiki master teaches all levels and does private consultation. Call Monique at 933-4590.
Tutoring help
Do you need tutoring in your courses? A Concordia alumnus, MA Economics, can prepare you for exams, research, and writing assignments. Geepu at 843-6622, aclad@colba.net
English angst?
Writing assistance/corrections for university papers. Also typing services. Call Lawrence, 279-4710, or e-mail articulationslh@hotmail.com
Spanish immersion programs
Designed to meet your needs. Carefully selected schools in Latin America and Spain. Programs all year. Info: Joan MacLean-Dagenais, North-South Connexions, 236-3400.
U.S. work permits
We can help Canadian citizens increase their chances of receiving U.S. work permits. Also, U.S. immigration and related business matters. B. Toben Associates (U.S. lawyers), 288-3896.