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Campus Ministry invites graduates, families and friends,
faculty and staff to
Sunday, June 13
11 a.m.
Loyola Chapel, 7141 Sherbrooke St. W.
Rituals and readings of sacred texts from several religious
traditions, thanks for our blessings, and prayers for our
graduates. Graduates should arrive at 10:45 a.m., with
convocation gown, if possible. Refreshments will be served after
the service.
Congratulations to these winners of Faculty Teaching Development Grants, 1999-2000:
Abrami P., Schnackenberg, H., CotŽ J.R. (Education): An Interactive Web-Based Resource as a Learning and Communication Tool in a Course in Educational Learning Theories
Ahmad, A. (Finance): Assessment of Learning Gains in a Web-Based Environment
Amantea, G., Bachmann, I. (Studio Arts): Art and the Everyday -- From Elvis to Cyberspace: Advanced Studio Practice
Brunette, L., Caignon P. (ƒtudes franaise): Mise au point d'un manuel destinŽ ˆ la formation des Žtudiants et Žtudiantes d'un cours d'initiation ˆ la traduction Žconomique
Chen, M. (Education): An Internet-based Knowledge Integration System (IKIS) for Facilitating the Acquisition of Complex Design Skills
Dyer, L., Carney, M., Baba, V.V., (Management): Reflecting on Business: A Workbook on Critical Thinking
English, A., Posner M. (Chemistry and Biochemistry): Integration of LABWORKS and Computerization of Undergraduate Labs in Analytical Chemistry: An Enhanced Learning Environment
Jojich, D. (Studio Arts): A Handbook for Emerging Professional Visual Artists
Langshaw, P.K., Lerner, L., Tanguay, D., Baxter, B., Stevens, C., Neumark, D. (Faculty of Fine Arts):Public Art as Social intervention: A Fine Arts and Learning Tool
Miles, M., Selig, G. (Applied Human Sciences/ Psychology/Biology/ Chemistry): Simulating the Complexity of Human Systems Intervention: A Teaching and Learning Approach Using a Structured Simulation as an Experiential Learning Framework
Moss-Werbin, E. (Accountancy): Problem-based and Collaborative Learning Project
O'Brien, K. Rudin, R. (Design Art/History): Visualizing Irish Studies
Parker, R. (Art Education): Development of Teaching Strategies and Interactive Media Distant Learning Materials for a Large Introductory Course in Fine Arts
Sacc‡, E., Reinhart, M. (Art Education/Art Therapy): Stories of Inclusion and Exclusion: A Book and Web Page of Student Writings and Art
Schmid, R., De Simone, C. Lou, Y., Marcotte, W., Rucco, S. (Education): Developing a Web-based Interactive Support System for EDUC 210 Educational Psychology/ Distance Education
Stathopoulos, T. (Building, Civil and Environmental Engineering): Environmental Flows Around Buildings: A Hands-On Experience
Szabo, M., Wulfraat, P., Soupliotis, A., Szabo, S. (Mathematics and Statistics): A Web-based Environment for Open and Distance Learning
Tao, L. (Computer Science): User-Data-Driven Internet Animation of Dynamic Data Structures
Turcotte, M.F., Lituchy, T., Leiba-O'Sullivan, S.L. (Management): Comparative Analysis of Pedagogical Approaches to Teaching Ethics in International Business
Zacharias, J., Xu, H. (Urban Studies): A Geographic
Information System (GIS) for Urban Project Studies