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Compiled by Barbara Black
This column welcomes the submissions of all Concordia faculty and staff to promote and encourage individual and group activities in teaching and research, and to encourage work-related achievements.
Congratulations to Sally Cole (Sociology and Anthropology), who was given the 1998 Riddell Award from the Ontario Historical Society for the best article published on Ontario History that year. It was presented in February at the Giving the Past a Future conference hosted by the McGill Institute For the Study of Canada. The article is called "Dear Ruth: This is the Story of Maggie Wilson, Ojibwa Ethnologist," in a book called Great Dames, edited by Elspeth Cameron and Janice Dickin (University of Toronto Press).
Daniel SalŽe (SCPA) recently spoke to students in the Canadian studies program at the University of Prince Edward Island about "The Many Faces of Quebec Nationalism."
Journalism's Enn Raudsepp and Jay Bryan were in Trinidad recently, giving a series of workshops on media ethics and business writing. They were invited by the Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago on the recommendation of the Canadian High Commissioner, Peter Lloyd, a former journalist. Twenty-six mid-career journalists attended.
Raudsepp and colleagues Ross Perigoe, Michael Gasher and Janet Kask acted as judges for the Canadian Tourism Commission's Northern Lights Awards for travel writing, which received submissions from hundreds of travel writers across North America. Anne Whitelaw (Communication Studies) was a judge of photography. Perigoe went to New York to present the awards at a ceremony.
A work by Dominique Legros (Sociology and Anthropology), Tommy McGinty's Northern Tutchone Story of Crow, was published by the Canadian Museum of Civilization as part of its Mercury series.
A paper written by Joe Smucker (Sociology and Anthropology) and McGill colleagues Axel van den Berg and Anthony Masi was presented to a conference in January on Plant Closures and Downsizing in Europe. The conference was organized by the Higher Institute of Labour Studies, Catholic University, Leuven, in collaboration with the European Centre for Workers' Questions. The title of the paper was "Responses to Downsizing under Different Adjustment Regimes: A Two-Country Comparison."
DesirŽe Park (Philosophy) gave a paper, "Persons and Personal Identity," at the Seventh European Conference on Science and Theology in Durham, England, in April. The paper has been selected for publication by the Society in the ESSSAT Yearbook 1998/1999.
Steven Appelbaum (Management) received a citation of excellence from ANBAR Electronic Intelligence for a paper, "Empowerment: A contrasting overview of organizations in general and nursing in particular."
Ila Grayland, a student of Creative Writing Professor Gary Geddes in the late 1980s, has had a French translation published of her narrative poem Terang, about her home town in Australia. The translation, published by Les Heures bleus, is called L'instant mme.
Congratulations to new Film Studies Professor Martin Lefebvre, who has been awarded the Prix AQEC-Olivieri by the Association quŽbŽcoise des Žtudes cinŽmatographiques for his recent book, Psycho: de la figure au musŽe imaginaire. ThŽorie et pratique de l'acte de spectature.
Christopher Ross (Marketing) was the Distinguished Speaker at the EMBA graduation, University of the West Indies, Bridgetown, Barbados, in December. He spoke on "Marketing and Development." He and Linda Dyer (Management) recently had a paper accepted by the Journal of Small Business Management, "Ethnic Enterprises and their Clientele."
Kaarina Kailo (Simone de Beauvoir) has been invited to the International Sauna Society's Conference in May in Aachen, Germany, to give a talk on "Baring Our Being: The Finnish Sauna and the Native Canadian Inipi (Sweatlodge) as a Ritual Space."
Lionel J. Sanders (CMLL) was invited to deliver an address on "Sicily and Magna Graecia under the Two Dionysii" at an international convention on La Sicilia del due Dionisi in Agrigento, Italy, in February. He also contributed five entries to the Global Encyclopaedia of Historical Writing (Garland Press, 1998), and published an article, "Cornelius Nepos, Dion, Heracleides and the Optimates," in Cahiers des Žtudes anciennes.
The successful production at the Saidye Bronfman Centre of Anthony Shaffer's Sleuth was co-produced by 23-year-old Concordia graduate Evan Mark Rimer, who is a partner with his co-producer Evi R. Regev, in Mind Expansion Entertainment.
James Moore (Political Science) has written articles on
Francis Hutcheson and Gilbert Burnet for the New Dictionary of
National Biography, Oxford University Press. In March, he
participated in a Liberty Fund symposium on Hume and Hutcheson on
Human Nature and Virtue in Charleston, S.C., and gave a public
lecture on "Protestant Ethics and Enlightenment: Critical
Reflections on the Weber Thesis" at Bishop's University.