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California Cooking Class and Tasting
Executive Chef Norman Allen of Sternz Rhapsody will teach you the techniques surrounding California cuisine: grilled vegetables, fresh fish, pasta, light sauces, plate presentation, interesting herbs, and more. Sternz Rhapsody, Cavendish Mall, 5800 Cavendish Blvd. $20 (or $25 if you would like a glass of California wine). Monday, April 12, 7:30-9 p.m. RSVP: 848-3817.
The Applied Psychology Centre in the Department of Psychology offers confidential psychotherapy and assessment for adults, couples, families, children and teenagers. By appointment only. Call 848-7550.
April 8 Ð May 15
Massimo Guerrera: Porus, on display at the Leonard and Bina Ellen Art Gallery. Vernissage: Thursday, April 8, 6 p.m. Guided tours are available in English, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, at noon, and in French, Tuesdays and Thursdays, at 1 p.m. Free. 1400 de Maisonneuve W. Info: 848-4750.
For more information and prices on the following courses, please contact Donna Fasciano, Training Coordinator, Environmental Health and Safety, 848-4355, or Fascdo@alcor.concordia.ca
April 10 -- Basic Life Support recertification
April 11 -- Heartsaver
April 18 -- Heartsaver Plus
April 22 -- Heartsaver
April 24 -- Basic Life Support
April 27 -- Heartsaver
Learning the art of focusing
A workshop with Michelina Bertone, S.S.A. Tuesdays, noon - 1:30 p.m., Z-105. Call 848-3591.
The New Millennium
Explore self-esteem, friendship, decision-making and God's word, among others topics. Wednesdays, 1:30 - 3 p.m., Z-105. Info: Michelina Bertone, S.S.A., 848-3591.
Meditation in our midst
There are a number of meditation groups meeting each week on both campuses, in both the Buddhist and Christian traditions. Call 848-3588 for dates and times.
Mother Hubbard's Cupboard
Monday nights at Annex Z, 5 - 7 p.m., Mother Hubbard is serving up hot vegetarian meals. Suggested donation: $1. Info: Peer Helpers 848-2859 or Campus Ministry 848-3588.
Reading Buddhist Sutras
A reading group with Daryl Ross. This semester continues with the Dhamma Pada. Every Thursday at 1:30 p.m., Loyola, Belmore House (2496 West Broadway). Info: 848-3585.
Outreach Experience
Make a difference in the world around you by volunteering some of your free time. Contact Michelina Bertone, S.S.A., at 848-3591.
Eucharist (RC) in the Loyola Chapel
Monday to Friday at 12:05 p.m. Sunday at 11 a.m. Info: 848-3588.
Information session
Become a partner on an organic farm and receive a basket of fresh produce weekly throughout the summer season. Information session on Wednesday, April 14, 6:30 p.m. Info: ƒco-quartier Peter-McGill, 933-1069.
Discovery workshops
At the Redpath Museum of Natural History. Sundays, 2 - 3 p.m. for children 4-7 years, and 3:30 Ð 4:30 p.m. for 8-12 year-olds. $5 per child. Tickets by reservation only. Call 398-4086, ext. 4092.
Parent Finders MontrŽal
We are a non-profit, volunteer-run search and support group for adoptees, birth parents, and adoptive parents. Our monthly meetings are open to the public. We meet next on April 15, 7:30 to 9 p.m., at Concordia's Campus Ministry, Loyola (2496 West Broadway, NDG). Info: Pat Danielson, 683-0204, or www.PFMTL.org
Elder abuse info-line
Volunteers needed for the info-line. You will receive appropriate training and be part of a dynamic volunteer team to raise awareness of elder abuse. Call Heather Hart, 488-9163, ext. 360.
Fundraising event
LaSalle College's "Time Capsule" will feature a five-course gala dinner and live entertainment on April 8. Proceeds will go to the Breakfast Club of Quebec, which helps needy students in the province get complete, nutritious breakfasts. Sponsors and donations welcome. Info: Fred at 993-5805.
Shalom Line
Provides support to all callers experiencing loneliness, stress or other personal problems. Anonymous and confidential. Staffed by trained volunteers. Sunday, 10:30 a.m. Ð 4:30 p.m., Monday-Thursday, 4:30 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. Call 343-4343.
7141 Sherbrooke W. Tickets and info: 848-7928. Free admission.
Tuesday, April 6
Jazz Combo, directed by Gary Schwartz/Guitar Ensemble, directed by Michael Berard, 8 p.m.
Thursday, April 8
Student composers, directed by Allan Crossman and Wolfgang Bottenberg, 8 p.m.
Friday, April 9
Full Circle, student jazz improvisation ensemble, directed by Charles Ellison, 8 p.m.
Saturday, April 10
Classical vocal repertoire students, directed by Valerie Kinslow, 8 p.m.
Sunday, April 11
Student chamber ensembles, directed by Valerie Kinslow and Louise Sampson, 8 p.m.
Tuesday, April 13
Robin Ridsdill, mezzo-soprano, diploma concert, 3 p.m.
Tuesday, April 13
Jazz vocal repertoire students, directed by Madeleine ThŽriault, 8 p.m.
Wednesday, April 14
Concordia Jazz Combo, directed by Gary Schwartz, 8 p.m.
Thursday, April 15
All in One, student jazz improvisation ensemble, directed by Charles Ellison, 8 p.m.
Wednesday, April 7
Bob White, president of the Canadian Labour Congres, on "Labour Movement's Role Domestically and Internationally." 6 Ð 8 p.m., H-110, 1455 de Maisonneuve W. Info: 848-2575.
Friday, April 9
Paul Teller, University of California, Davis, on "The Problem of the Identity of Objects," presented by Concordia's Department of Philosophy. 10 a.m., 1455 de Maisonneuve W. Call 848-2500 for room number.
Concordia's Legal Information Services offers free and confidential legal information and assistance to the Concordia community. By appointment only. Call 848-4960.
Concordia Council on Student Life
CCSL, the governing body for Student Services at Concordia, will hold its next meeting on April 16, 10 a.m., in H-769 (SGW). CCSL deals with issues that affect student life at Concordia. All welcome. Info: 848-4242 (Dean of Students Office).
Contemporary Dance auditions
Try-outs for the dynamic three-year BFA in dance, which concentrates on developing each student's technical and creative potential for choreography, will take place April 17, May 1 and August 14. Info: 848-4740, or dance@concordia.ca
Essay competition
The Liberal Arts College is celebrating its 20th anniversary with a special prize essay competition. Open to all College applicants, the 1,000-word essay should address the anniversary theme, Reading Great Books, Reading Ourselves: The Books of our Lives. First prize: $1,000. Second prize: $500. Deadline: June 1999. Info: Lina D'Iorio, 848-2565.
Student Safety Patrol
Our drop-by and accompaniment services are offered to all of Concordia's students, faculty and staff. Call 848-7533 to reach a dispatcher, Monday to Friday, 6 p.m. to midnight. Or be a volunteer; call 848-8600 (SGW), 848-8700 (Loyola).
The Office of Rights and Responsibilities is available to all members of the University community for confidential consultations regarding any type of unacceptable behaviour, including discrimination and personal/sexual harassment, threatening and violent conduct, theft, destruction of property. Call 848-4857, or drop by 2150 Bishop, room 110.
The Ombuds Office is available to all members of the University for information, confidential advice and assistance with university-related problems. Call 848-4964, or drop by 2100 Mackay, room 100.
Peer Helpers are students who are trained in active listening skills and referrals. Drop by to talk or get information at 2090 Mackay, MI-02, or call us at 848-2859.
Contemporary Issues in Marxism
Thursday, April 8, 1 Ð 4 p.m. at the Loyola Campus Centre (the Hive). Located above the cafeteria at 7141 Sherbrooke W. Sponsored by the students of Political Science 475: Marxism -- Past, Present, and Future. Info: 848-4709.
On the Other Hand
An interdisciplinary show by Concordia students, April 6 Ð 10. Vernissage: April 6, 7:30 p.m., VAV Gallery, 1395 RenŽ LŽvesque W. Also at the Belgo Bldg., 372 Ste. Catherine W., suite 320, April 3-13 and 17-28. Info: Barbara Prokop or Carmen Zella, 938-0154.
Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, directed by Alexander Marin, April 15 Ð 25. D.B. Clarke Theatre, 1455 de Maisonneuve W. $2-$10. Info: 848-4742.
Child care needed
Concordia staff member seeks full-time child-care provider for two families in Notre-Dame de l'ële Perr™t. Non-smoker, bilingual preferred, must provide own transportation, hours 7-5. Call Wendy at 848-3401 daytime, or 453-6786 evenings and weekends.
Looking for a house-sit
June to mid-July (May negotiable). Doctoral student. Reliable and clean. Preferably walking distance to SGW (on the Plateau, Westmount or Outremont). Janet Dorozynski at Janet.Dorozynski@ping.be ; or Ana at 848-2581/2575.
House for rent
Rustic detached small house with large backyard and fantastic view of Lachine Rapids (LaSalle). Garage, laundry. Frequent bus at top of street to green mŽtro line. Near bike path. Ideal for couple or single professional. Available July 1. Leave message at 368-7099.
New condo
Two bedrooms (4 1/2), furnished, laundry, free internet. Very stylish. 20 mins. SGW. Non-smoker, no pets. May 1 Ð August 31, $660/mth., all included. Call 289-9078.
Apartment to sublet
May 1 - August 31. Modestly furnished 2 1/2 in west downtown, $375, heat & hot water included, top floor of four-story brick walkup bldg., one block to Atwater MŽtro, hardwood floors, quiet neighbourhood, laundry. Call 939-0713.
For rent
Three-bedroom home in NDG. Hardwood floors, renovated kitchen and bathroom, laundry, enclosed yard, sun porch. Central, shops, schools, bus, metro. June 1, $1500/month, utilities excluded. Contact: 489-8904 or sharty@is.dal.ca
Seeking sublet
Visiting professor to Concordia during summer session seeks to rent an apartment or house (convenient to SGW) for May and June. Call 489-7122.
Sabbatical rental
Beautiful four-bedroom Victorian cottage for rent from June 1 to May 31. Call (450) 458-1121, 848-2519, or e-mail murc@vax2.concordia.ca
To let in NDG
From July 1999. Fully furnished, English-style cottage. Oak woodwork, antique furniture, renovated kitchen, laundry, parking. Vend™me MŽtro. $2,250/mth (neg.). Call 489-5913 or 987-3000, ext. 6714.
Seeking donors
Egg donors being sought by infertile couple hoping to have a child. Please write to Mrs. Johnson, P.O. Box 91, Succ. Mt. Royal, PQ, H3P 2B8.
Help the environment
Fantastic business opportunity. Work your own hours. New oil products cut down auto exhaust emissions up to 90 per cent and save on fuel. Made in Canada. 100 per cent guaranteed. Info: Jim Gregson, (450) 247-3194.
Participants for language study
Compensation, $7/hr. Call Bobby at 630-7975.
Tutoring help
Do you need tutoring in your courses? A Concordia alumnus, MA Economics, can prepare you for exams, research, and writing assignments. Geepu at 843-6622, aclad@colba.net
English angst?
Writing assistance/corrections for university papers. Also typing services. Call Lawrence, 279-4710, or e-mail articulationslh@hotmail.com
Spanish immersion programs
Designed to meet your needs. Carefully selected schools in Latin America and Spain. Programs all year. Info: Joan MacLean-Dagenais, North-South Connexions, 236-3400.
U.S. work permits
We can help Canadian citizens increase their chances of receiving U.S. work permits. Also, U.S. immigration and related business matters. B. Toben Associates (U.S. lawyers), 288-3896.
The Concordia Women's Centre is an information, referral and drop-in centre. We offer a women-only lounge area, resource library, photocopier, job listings, courses, community files and more. Call us about the next Action self-defence course, 848-7431, or drop by at 2020 Mackay, downstairs.
Computer workshops
Instructional and Information Technology Services is offering
a series of computer workshops for all faculty and staff. For
information, or to register, please send an e-mail message to Workshop@alcor.concordia.ca
, or call 848-7688.