More Loyola Campus photos

A view from above the new Science Complex, looking northwest. The round structure is the Senate Chamber of Drummond Building, which will be renovated.
Photo by Ryan Blau
There was lots of hoopla at the west-end campus last week around the snazzy new Science Complex and playing fields. Brian Britt interviewed Dean Martin as part of a CFCF on-site broadcast, and hundreds of neighbours turned out for a pancake breakfast on Saturday morning.

Buzz was a hit with the kids.
Photo by Andrew Dobrowolskyj
The opening ceremony will take place Monday, Sept. 22. Premier Jean Charest and other guests will attend a luncheon in the refurbished Faculty Club. The opening and naming ceremony will follow outdoors at 2 p.m., and everyone is invited.

Four of the key people who got the new building up on target. Left to Right: Director of Facilities Operations Rick Young, Director of Facilties Planning and Development Martine Lehoux, project co-ordinator Gilles Pilon and Executive Director of Facilities Management Peter Bolla.
Photo by Ryan Blau

Brian Britt interviewed Dean Martin Singer as part of a CFCF broadcast.
Photo by Ryan Blau