In brief

Photo by Greg Fretz
AHSC graduates do good
“Angels fly because they take things lightly,” said valedictorian Edwina Gallant, addressing the 16 students who received certificates for Community Service and Family Life Education. Every one had completed the program in Applied Human Sciences while doing substantial volunteer work in the community.
Code approved
At the May 20 Board of Governors meeting, the Board approved revisions to the university’s Code of Rights and Responsibilities, and thanked the chair of the review committee, Me Rita de Santis, for her meticulous work and collaborative approach. Click here.
The Board also approved a CSU student centre fee proposal by outgoing CSU president Natalie Pomerleau. She has been working with Chief Financial Officer Larry English to establish a foundation that would create a Concordia Student Centre.
Professor Wolfgang Krol will represent Fine Arts on the Evaluation Committee for the Vice-Rector Services.
Board members Alain Benedetti, Peter Kruyt and Richard Renaud will represent the community at large, Michael Di Grappa the senior administration, Patrice Blais undergraduate students and Rocci Luppicini graduate students on the Advisory Search Committee for Rector and Vice-Chancellor.
Martin Singer will chair the Advisory Search Committee for Dean of Fine Arts. Board member Lillian Vineberg will represent the community at large, Sally Cole faculty outside Fine Arts and Nabil Esmail will be the decanal representative from outside the Faculty.
Four bursaries fuelled by golf
The Concordia Memorial Golf Tournament committee proudly announces the creation of four annual undergraduate bursaries to be awarded for the first time in the 2004-05 academic year.
One student from each of Concordia’s Faculties will receive $1,000 in the name of the Memorial Golf Tournament Bursary Endowment.
“This is a wonderful outcome of a great community day,” said Perry Calce, who has been on the organizing committee since the tournament’s inception in August of 1994.
“The Concordia community has supported this event from the beginning, and it has grown every year. This year we will have 288 golfers and more than 300 for dinner. Thanks to our community and the support we receive from the senior administration, in a few years we will be awarding even larger bursaries to even more students.”
The tournament, now in its 11th year, was inaugurated in 1994 to pay tribute to the four members of the Concordia community that were slain in August 1992.
“The Memorial Tournament is a day when our community comes together to celebrate our spirit and honour the memory of our colleagues. We have raised significant amount of money for student bursaries, but we have a lot of fun, too,” Calce added.
This year’s tournament is scheduled for August 11 at the Hemmingford Golf Club. For information, visit, or contact Perry at ext. 2579 or Tony Patricio at ext. 4264.
Jury member at Cannes
The Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema was gratified to discover that one of their recent graduates in film production was a jury member at the Cannes Film Festival.
Marie Levéillé was on the jury for the Prix de la Jeunesse “Regards-Jeunes” category.
The prize was created in 1982 by the French ministry for youth and sport, but has had a jury of young filmmakers (aged 18 to 25) only since last year. Marie’s fellow jeune cinéphiles on the five-person jury are from Holland, Ireland and the Nice region of France.
New photocopiers coming
Approximately 235 copiers will be installed across both campuses following the signing of a contract with a new supplier, Ikon Office Solutions.
The current fleet of analogue copiers is now six years old and in need of replacement. The university requires more modern, multi-functional digital equipment to create a more efficient work environment and at the same time, save costs.
These photocopiers will eliminate second-generation printouts, and will result in faster, online trouble-shooting, as well as heightened meter-reading access for billing purposes.
More information about the advantages of these new office tools and when you can expect to see them in your workplace will be available at
CCAE 2004 Prix d’Excellence
Staff members have won awards for their work from the Canadian Council for the Advancement of Education (CCAE), an organization that serves university fundraising, alumni relations and communications professionals.
Two awards went to the Office of University Advancement & Alumni Relations.
The Staff Appeal campaign, called Plant A Seed and Watch Our Garden Grow!, received a silver medal in the category of Best Fundraising Case Statement and Campaign Materials. The campaign was led by a volunteer committee chaired by Irvin Dudeck (Budget) and carried out by Marketing Communications, with support from Maria Piccioni (Advancement).
The Loyola College Class of ‘53 Reunion, held at Homecoming 2003, received a bronze medal in the category of Best Alumni Event. Alumni reunion officer Shannon Labadie organized it, with the help of Class of ’53 volunteers and the Homecoming committee.
In addition, Eugenia Xenos, Luke Andrews and Caroline Booth (Internal Relations and Communications) won silver for Concordia’s home page in the category Best Institutional Home Page.