
In the conference
room of the Office of Research Services, a series of three paintings by
Nicolas Grenier, a current Fine Arts student. Their titles are Reflexion,
Jeune femme à la lumière sud-ouest, and Le cas dun
vignoble, all 2002, acrylic and oil.
by Andrew Dobrowolskyj
Elegant art flying off the
Concordias offices could become the citys biggest art gallery
if employees respond to Laurel Smiths invitation to display work
by our own artists.
Smith, the Student Life Assistant in the Faculty of Fine Arts, was asked
by the Office of Research Services for some artwork by Concordians to
display on the 10th floor of the Guy Métro Building. She not only
acquired beautiful pieces for the ORS office, she turned the idea into
something much bigger.
Smith sent out a call for contributions to students, faculty and alumni
in Fine Arts, and got an excellent response, particularly from alumni.
She has identified about 18 works of art for the ORS offices, and most
of them are now in place. Each work is accompanied by its title, the name
of the artist, some biographical information, and the artists own
asking price.
Smith says that for some of the artists, its their first opportunity
to put a dollar value on their work. I advise them to take their
time and their materials into consideration, and to think of what the
work is worth to them.
For the gallery owners, it may be their first crack at choosing
a piece of art. People tend to think of the art as decoration for boring
office walls, Smith conceded, but they soon learn to look critically at
the works, and discriminate among them. Its a great education
to think of your office as an art gallery, she said.
Anja Nopper, Assistant to the Director of the ORS, agrees. We have
people from all over the world coming into our office. Weve had
many favourable remarks from visitors, and weve already had offers
to buy. Concordia has a strong and vibrant visual arts component, and
were delighted to give it a presence.
If you would like to acquire artwork for your department, please contact
Laurel Smith at laurels@alcor.concordia.ca
or 848-4701.
Honorary Doctorate nominations
Honorary degree nominations are being sought for the 2003-2004 academic
year convocation ceremonies.
All members of the Concordia University community (faculty, students,
staff and alumni) are invited to submit nominations. Please note that
current members of the faculty, the administration, or the Board of Governors
are not eligible to receive honorary degrees.
Every nomination must include a detailed curriculum vita and a succinct
statement explaining (a) why the candidate is worthy of the honour, and
(b) what makes the candidate an appropriate Concordia honorand.
To request a nomination form or a copy of the criteria used in selecting
honorands, please contact Heather Adams-Robinette, Secretary to the Graduation
Ceremonies Committee, at heather.adams-robinett@concordia.ca
or 848-4853. Completed nominations may be sent to the above at the University
Secretariat, S-BC 319-1. The deadline to receive nominations for convocation
ceremonies to be held in the upcoming academic year is March 28, 2003.
JMSB Briefs
MBAs on TV
Watch for Concordia MBA students on PBS television this
Saturday evening at 7 p.m..
The Economist Business Challenge is a show that pits senior business
students against one another as they tackle tough questions about economics
and geopolitics prepared with the help of The Economist magazine.
The competition is moderated by David Johnston, former principal of McGill
University, and participating universities in this years edition
of the program include American schools Harvard, Yale as well as Queens,
McGill, and the Université de Montréal, among others.
The winning team on each program receives $3,000, the runner-up team $1,000,
and theres a special $1,000 prize for the outstanding individual
UFE students excel again
Results in the 2002 Uniform Final Examinations (UFE) of the Order of Charter
of Accounts of Quebec show that Concordias first-time success rate
of 76.8 per cent surpasses the Quebec first-time success rate of 75.8
per cent and the national first-time success rate of 71.7 per cent.
Concordias Jason Manel ranked sixth in Quebec and 18th in Canada
in this crucial exam, which is essential for the chartered accountant
(CA) designation, and Marie-Pierre Gadoury ranked eighth in Quebec. Congratulations
go out to both students.
Undergraduate competitions
The Undergraduate Business Games and the Commerce Games will take place
Jan. 17-19 in Ottawa and Hull, respectively. The Undergraduate National
Case Competition will be organized and hosted by Concordia Feb. 6-8. Keep
reading the CTR for coverage of these events in future issues.
Surf's Up
Its decision time once again. In that spirit, Concordia will hold
an information day for prospective students on Saturday, Feb. 1, from 10
a.m. to 5 p.m. in the atrium of the J.W. McConnell Building.
The event will be publicized throughout the provinces of Quebec and Ontario
as: Surf @ Concordia, a play on surfing the Web and fantasizing about the
beach during a typical Montreal winter. Surf @ Concordia will be a smaller-scale
event than the open houses we have hosted in the past, concentrated in the
Each faculty will be represented, as well as Student Services, IITS and
the Office of the Registrar. Tours of the Sir George Williams Campus and
the library will run throughout the day.
Surf @ Concordia will publicize the fact that students can not only apply
online but also take care of virtually all their administrative tasks via
the My Concordia Portal. This is a great chance to show off our many programs
and services.
If you are interested in participating on behalf of your unit, please contact
one of the following university staff members:
Rose Fedorak, Arts/Science
Stephanie Basire, ENCS
Amanda French, Fine Arts
Lorena Marzitelli, SGS
Murielle Salari, JMSB
Marlene Gross, Student Services |
In an article that appeared in the last issue of the Thursday Report
(Concordia set to double residence capacity by 2004, Dec. 5), it
was incorrectly reported that the Departments of Journalism and Communication
Studies would be relocating to the downtown Sir George Williams campus.
In fact, both departments, now housed at Loyolas Hingston Hall,
will remain at Loyola in new quarters in what is now the Drummond Science
Build-ing. Renovations of the Drummond Building will begin shortly after
its current occupants, namely the Departments of Exercise Science and
parts of Psychology, move into the new Loyola Science Complex this summer.
It was also incorrectly reported that the Depart-ment of Mathematics and
Statistics will move into Loyolas Vanier Library.
In fact, that department, now split between the Loyola and Sir George
Williams Campuses, will be reunited entirely at Sir George Williams within
the next couple of years.
We apologize for the errors and will keep the community informed on future
developments in Concordias building plans.
Future issues of the Thursday
CTR is published every two weeks during the academic season. Future
publication dates are Jan. 30, Feb. 13, Feb. 27, Mar. 13, Mar. 27, Apr.
10, Apr. 24, May 8, May 22, and June 5. |