Help hungry students this holiday
Some students have financial
problems so serious that they cant buy food. Helping them get through
a difficult time may mean the difference between their dropping out and
continuing at university. The Concordia Multi-Faith Chaplaincy has launched
their annual Student Emergency Food Fund Appeal. Over the years, the Chaplaincy
has raised thousands of dollars in donations to help students.
This year, Jews, Christians and Muslims are all celebrating religious
holidays around the same time, but regardless of religious rites, this
season of conviviality can be lonely for some students.
Help support the fund by attending a concert hosted by Hillel and Concordia
Multi-Faith chaplaincy on Sunday, December 8, at 1:30 p.m.
Helene Engel and Pierrette La Roche will perform songs from around the
world which celebrate the traditions of Chanukah and Christmas. A freewill
offering will be taken. All contributions will go to provide emergency
food vouchers to Concordia students.
Tax receipts will be issued by Advancement and Alumni Relations for cheques
or cash (in an envelope) with full address, for contributions of $10 or
The concert will take place in the Bronfman Building atrium at 1590 Dr.
Penfield, corner Côte des Neiges. All are welcome.
For more information, contact Daryl Lynn Ross at 848-3585.