David R. Franklin (right), honorary consul for Iceland and a longtime
lecturer in what is now the John Molson School of Business, with Director
of Libraries William Curran.
Photo by Christian Fleury
by Barbara Black
A set of books entitled
The Complete Sagas of the Icelanders was given to Concordia University
Libraries on Sept. 12. The gift, one of several such gifts to various organizations,
was from Iceland to the people of Canada on the occasion of the opening
of an Icelandic Embassy to Canada last May.
A bookplate in each of the books says: Donated to Concordia University
by the Government and People of Iceland in cooperation with the Icelandic
National League of North America, Icelandic Canadian Club of Quebec and
the Embassy of Iceland in Ottawa to mark the 1,000 years since the Viking
Icelanders first set foot in North America.
Saga literature has been a national treasure in Iceland for centuries, although
it remained unknown elsewhere until it began to be printed in the 17th century.
Since then, the sagas have been acknowledged as one of world literatures
most remarkable achievements.
The original sagas were preserved in hundreds of manuscripts, first on vellum
in the 13th century, and later on paper. They describe the events surrounding
the discovery and settlement of Iceland and became an endless source of
knowledge and wisdom, entertainment and brilliant language.
The sagas are a unique literary phenomenon, and invite comparison with the
masterpieces of classical Greece and Rome.
Making the presentation were members of the Icelandic-Canadian Club of Quebec:
Susan Stephenson, president; Malcolm Olafson, Treasurer (EMBA Concordia
1995); David Franklin, immediate past president and a long-time teacher
in the Department of Management at Concordia.
Representing Concordia were: William Curran, Director of the Concordia Libraries;
Mia Massicote, Assistant Director of Collection Services; Richard Diubaldo,
Director of Recruitment and a historian specializing in Artic exploration;
Allan Nash, professor of geography, who has a long-time interest in Iceland
and has travelled there. Lorna Roth, Coordinator of Concordias Northern
Studies Group, was unable to attend, and linguist Charles Reiss, who had
planned to attend, was stuck in New York.
The presentation was followed by a reception in the library.