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Fall Convocation Salle Wilfrid-Pelletier, Place des Arts, Friday, November 16, 10 a.m. Faculty of Arts and Science John Molson School of Business Faculty of Fine Arts Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science An honorary doctorate will be presented to the Honorable Claire LHeureux-Dubé, Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada. Anna Woodrow, PhD Humanities, will give the valedictory. |
Writers Read @ Concordia Ken Babstock and John MacKenzie Tuesday, November 13, 8:30 p.m., LB-540 Ken Babstock was born in Newfoundland and grew up in the Ottawa Valley. His first collection of poetry, Mean, won the Atlantic Poetry Prize in 2000 and the Milton Acorn Peoples Poetry Prize; selections from the book won Gold at the National Magazine Awards in 1997. Time magazine said, Mean is one of the best things to happen to poetry in Canada in this decade. His new collection is Days into Flatspin (Anansi). John MacKenzies first book, Sledgehammer and Other Poems, was published by Raincoast/Polestar in 2000. He has been writing and performing poetry since 1998 and read at the 2000 Vancouver International Writers Festival to great acclaim. He has worked in sawmills, bakeries, kitchens, and on farms and construction crews across Canada. He lives in Charlottetown, P.E.I. These readings are supported by the Canada Council of the Arts. |
Alumni Recognition Awards Nominations are invited for the following: Humberto Santos Award of Merit Benoît Pelland Distinguished Service Award Honorary Life Membership Outstanding Student Award Alumni Award for Excellence in Teaching Nominations should be sent to: The Office of University Advancement and Alumni Relations, Concordia University, 1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. W., Montreal, H3G 1M8, or by fax to (514) 848-2826. Deadline: January 15, 2002 For more information, please call 848-3820. |
Mission Statement The Senate Steering Committee is seeking suggestions for updating the text of the Universitys mission statement. The statement has not been revised in a decade, and Senate wishes to suggest to the Board of Governors revisions so that the mission statement better reflects the Universitys current reality, academic plans and directions. Current Concordia University Mission Statement Concordia is an urban university, which is responsive to the needs of a diverse student population as well as to the bilingual and multicultural environment in which it resides. It is a welcoming community where values of equality, non-discrimination and tolerance of diversity are appreciated and actively promoted. Furthermore, Concordia is committed to responsible and innovative leadership in fulfilling the mission of universities to develop and disseminate knowledge and values and to act as a social critic. The University seeks to achieve this end by offering its students inclusive and accessible academic programs which stress a broad-based interdisciplinary approach to learning as well as by a dedication to superior teaching supported by the best possible research, scholarship, creative activity and service to society. Through these means, the University prepares its graduates, at all levels, to live as informed and responsibly critical citizens who are committed to learning and to the spirit of enquiry. Please submit your suggestions, in writing, by December 31, 2001, to Danielle Tessier, Secretary of the Board of Governors and Senate, by fax (848-8649) or email (danielle.tessier@concordia.ca). |
Centraide: Lucky winners of getaways Mike Russo (Distribution), Luke Andrews (Marketing Communications), Elizabeth Saccá (Graduate Studies) and Valery Mihalkov (Cinema) won the grand prizes weekend getaways at Mont Tremblant in the final draw of Concordia Centraide contributors. Third weekly draw: Isabelle Bouvier, John Barrett, Michael Di Grappa, Daniel McLaughlin, David Gaudine, Yves Proulx, Henry Kovalcik, Anuska Garcia and Yousef Shayan Fourth weekly draw: Suzanne Dragffy, Paul Ouellette, Sheelah ONeill, Isabelle Bouvier, Anne-Marie Laurin, Julia Lin, Jane Stewart, Uzma Mustafa, Eyvind Ronquist, Heather Edward, Huguette Albert, Sandra Shillingford, Christian Boulanger, Robert Wrightson, William Bradford, Lynne Prendergast (2), Heidi Muchall, Diane Gleason |
Upcoming Stingers Games Mens hockey Queens vs. ConcordiaNov. 9, 7:30pm RMC vs. ConcordiaNov.10, 2pm UQTR vs. ConcordiaNov. 14, 7:30pm Concordia @ YorkNov. 17, 2pm WLU vs. ConcordiaNov. 18, 2pm Mens basketball Laval vs. ConcordiaNov. 17, 3pm Womens basketball Concordia@St. Francis XavierNov. 10, 2pm Concordia@St. Francis XavierNov. 11, 2pm Laval vs. ConcordiaNov. 17, 1pm |
Annual Bowlathon right up your alley The annual bowlathon to raise money for Concordia scholarships is being organized by the Association of Alumni Sir George Williams for Saturday, November 17. The event is always fun, and just takes a little preparation. Each bowler is asked to raise $25, for a total of $125 per team of five bowlers. A tax receipt will be issued for contributions of $10 and more. No bowling experience necessary, shoes provided. The Bowl-a-thon will take place at Paré Lanes, 5250 Paré at Decarie Blvd., starting at 12:30 p.m. For more information, please call the Alumni office, at 848-4856. |