Rectors Circle
A dinner was held May 14 at the Club St. Denis to honour members
of the Rectors Circle, which includes more than 200 donors who have
given between $2,000 and $19,999 to the university this year. Seen in the
photo, with one of the maquettes of the new buildings, which were on display,
are, left to right, Abe Gold, Harriet Gold, Maria Singer, Dean Martin Singer,
chair of the Board of Governors Lillian Vineberg and Provost/Vice-Rector
Research Jack Lightstone.
Seaman Awards for community leadership
Every year, the A. Ross
Seaman Leadership Award goes to students in applied human sciences at Concordia,
Dawson College, and several other community programs in memory of an outstanding
This years winners, honoured at a ceremony March 20 at Dawson are,
left to right: Jacinthe Morsani (Leisure Sciences, Concordia), Kimberley
Jackson (Concordia), winner of a scholarship from the sale of a book called
Tapestry of Adulthood: Womens Reflections; Ruxandra Vlad (Human
Relations, Concordia), (behind her) Shawn Jaffray (Therapeutic Recreation,
Concordia), Justin Desforges (Kamp Kanawana), Anna Tafuto (Dawson), and
Elizabeth Sweeney (YWCA). The second scholarship winner, Donna OBomsawin
(Concordia), was not present for the photo.