The following faculty
members have been promoted to Professor, effective June 1, 2002:
Jean-Marie Bourjolly, Decision Sciences and Management Information Systems
Jean-Marie Bourjolly studied mathematics in Toulouse, operations research
at Université de Montréal, and earned a PhD in combinatorics
and optimization at Waterloo.
Since 1987, when he was hired by the John Molson School of Business, he
has taught more than 15 different courses at all levels, including MBA,
MScA. and PhD seminars.
His research interests encompass classical combinatorial problems such as
Max-clique and Max-SAT, the design and operation of cellular telephone networks,
and logistics and supply chain management. His papers have appeared in a
number of first-class journals such as Mathematical Programming and
Management Science.
As a consultant to Prestige Telecom Ltd., Dr. Bourjolly has worked on the
development of a software package for frequency allocation that so far has
been sold to telecom operators in nine countries, and for which, together
with Prestiges R&D Department, he was awarded the 2001 First Prize
for an OR application by the Canadian Operational Research Society.
He was invited to present this work at the 2001 INFORMS General Meeting
in a special session titled Telecommunications Keynote: Distinguished
Applications of Telecommunications Planning. He was also invited to
present supply-chain management at the Spring School on Logistics and Distribution
Management that was organized at H.E.C. in May 2002.
William Taylor, Management
William D. Taylor is director of the executive MBA program in the John Molson
School of Business. He has a PhD in strategic management from the École
des Hautes Études Commerciale de Montréal, and MBA from McMaster
University, and a BA in economics from Wilfrid Laurier University.
He has published numerous papers on subjects related to organizational strategy
and strategic planning systems, and he has made presentations at many national
and international conferences. He has extensive business experience as an
employee of General Motors and as a consultant. Dr. Taylor has worked with
both domestic and international firms in the areas of strategic planning
and management development.
His clients have included SNC/Lavelin, Newbridge Networks, Nortel, Air Canada,
Dominion Textiles, Bombardier Aerospace, Pratt & Whitney, Laurentian
Bank of Canada, Standard Life of Canada, ESAB Canada, Alcatel Canada Wire,
Bristol-Myers Squibb, Computing Devices Canada, Petromont (Union Carbide),
International Air Transport Association (IATA), International Aviation Management
Training Institute, the Canadian Institute of Bankers, Federation of Canadian
Deans of Management and Administrative Studies, Charterways Transport, and
the New Brunswick Department of Economic Development.
Dr. Taylor has over 30 years of experience in management education and has
helped to establish a number of new programs, including the Concordia Executive
MBA Program. He is also the founding director of the IATA/Concordia International
Aviation MBA program.
Prior to coming to Concordia in 1983, he helped develop the business administration
program at Bishops University where he served as Director of Business
Administration Division.
Dr. Taylor has been chair of the Business Policy Division of the Administrative
Sciences Association of Canada, and an area associate editor of the Canadian
Journal of Administrative Sciences. He has also served as an advisor
to and taught in the Canadian Certified Advanced Technology Manager Program.
He has taught in a number of countries, including China, Trinidad and Switzerland.
Jerry Tomberlin, Decision
Sciences and Management Information Systems
Jerry Tomberlin is Dean of the John Molson School of Business. He had
been Interim Dean since August 2001, and was appointed to a full five-year
term last month. Prior to that appointment, he served as an associate
dean in varied portfolios since 1995, most recently as associate dean
of external affairs.
Dr. Tomberlin joined Concordia University in 1984 and has been an associate
professor since 1985. He has twice served as the Chair of the Department
of Decision Sciences and MIS from 1988-90 and again from 1991-93. From
1986-88, he was the Academic Director of the MBA program.
He has also served as a consultant for the Bureau de Statistiques de Québec,
the Royal Bank of Canada, and Clairol Canada, among others. He has published
14 refereed articles and 10 conference proceedings. He has been a faculty
representative to the University Senate and served on the Senate Steering
Committee. Dr. Tomberlin has a masters in public health in biostatistics
from the University of Michigan and an MA and PhD, both in statistics,
from Harvard University.