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Compiled by Barbara Black
Concordia faculty, staff and alumni/æ pop up
in the media more often than you might think!
Bob McDevitt (Journalism), who, as a veteran CBC sports broadcaster, attended eight Olympic Games, was interviewed on CBC's This Morning about the Salt Lake City scandal. The conversation got around to whether or not Montreal lawyer (and Exercise Science Adjunct Professor) Richard Pound might be the next president of the IOC. McDevitt suggested another Canadian lawyer even better qualified to be president of "such an unscrupulous bunch": Alan Eagleson.
Pierre Brunet (Management) was asked his opinion on CBC's Newswatch recently about Bell Canada's decision to move its operators service to a cheaper U.S. provider. He said it was a good business decision, but terrible public relations. He was interviewed on another occasion about the clarity of the information provided to buyers of mutual funds.
Steven Appelbaum (Management) was also critical of Bell Canada. He told Gazette business columnist Jay Bryan that not telling the operators their jobs were being moved was unnecessarily brutal, and not likely to engender loyality among the remaining employees.
Bronwyn Chester, in her final column on the local literary scene for The Gazette's Books pages, wrote a glowing tribute to our Creative Writing program and the anthology of student literary work, Headlight.
Gazette higher education reporter Doug Sweet wrote an upbeat article headlined "Concordia making its presence felt in city." Published January 15, it outlined the University's plans for new buildings and the success of the Capital Campaign.
An article carried in Southam newspapers about progress being made on "PCB-crunching enzymes" mentioned the work being done in Montreal by a researcher at the Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique and Justin Powlowski (Chemistry).
Joseph Smucker (Sociology and Anthropology) was quoted in Maclean's magazine's poll of Canadian lifestyles, which found Quebecers more tolerant of moral lapses than other Canadians. Referring to extramarital affairs, he said, "They don't necessarily condone the behaviour, but they do not condemn people for it."
During that 20-below-zero weather we had recently, David Frost (Geography) was widely interviewed about his work on cold temperatures and the incidence of heart failure. Dave Campbell (Concordia Sports Medicine Centre) also contributed his expertise.
Jean-Roch Lawrence (Sociology and Anthropology), who is critical of the use of hypnosis as a tool of memory, was interviewed on CFTM about the fact that the Sûreté du Québec makes use of the technique.
Mike Babin (IITS) was a guest on the Tommy Schnurmacher Show, on CJAD, about the allure of the Internet, and how to get started on it.
Norma Joseph (Religion) was interviewed for Donna Nebenzahl's column in TheGazette about the changing understanding of women's role in the history and practice of Judaism. She is honorary co-chair of the first international conference of Edah, an organization founded to give voice to the ideology and values of modern Orthodox Judaism, which will take place in New York next month. She was also interviewed by the Canadian Jewish News.
Michel Despland (Religion) was the subject of Solange Lefebvre's religion column in Le Devoir on January 11. It emphasized his commitment to education, particularly in transmitting values of tolerance to the young.
The former students of retired drawing teacher Russell T. Gordon continue to flourish. Gordon, who mounted an exhibition of their work at the Belgo Building last fall as part of Concordia's Homecoming, was mentioned in Le Soleil recently. A reviewer of Point, Lignes, Surfaces, a collective show by his former students at the Galérie Madeleine Lacerte in Quebec City, said, "I think that this professor, who taught more than 20 years at this institution, must have extraordinary insight."
"Jazz diva" Jeri Brown (Music) was profiled in Voir Montréal recently, and her most recent album, Zaius -- her sixth in seven years -- was praised. Brown described how she keeps herself open to inspiration and new experiences by teaching at Concordia, living in Halifax, and spending her summers in Europe.