Polish projectA fund of $50,000 is being set aside each year by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences to make $10,000 awards to international academic initiatives. The first award has been made as the result of a longstanding working partnership between Concordia Mathematics Professor Twareque Ali and Professor Anatol Odzijewicz, Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics at the University of Bialystok, in Poland. While the two professors began their work together in mathematical physics, the collaboration between Concordia's Department of Mathematics and Statistics and the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics at Bialystok will also include the mathematics of finance and actuarial math, a reflection of the dramatically increasing demand in Poland for higher education for business.

Odzijewicz recently visited Montreal, and is seen here with Dean Martin Singer (left) and Balbir Sahni, Director of Concordia's Centre for International Academic Co-operation (centre).