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Muriel Herrington (Biology) |
Chair of the Board of Governors Lillian Vineberg talks to Professor Charles Ellison, as Vladimir Pavilicik and Matthi Terho look on.
Jacqueline Anderson (Geography)
Geoffrey Fidler (Liberal Arts College)
Elizabeth Sacca with Chancellor Eric Molson |
Elizabeth Saccá with Chancellor Eric Molson
20 years Philip C. Abrami Liselyn Adams Gerry Barrette Dorothy Bathelt Jean Belisle Sylvia Benedetti Donald Boisvert Craig Buchanan Philip Chambers William Charles Ellison Jayne Claassen Manuel Da Costa Michel Daigneault Pauline Dubois Antonio Escaleira Assunta Fargnoli Santina Fazio James F. Gavin Anita Grants Kathryn Griffin Ashoka Harichandan Eldon Hill Ciaran Hopkins Manmohan Rai Kapoor Barbara Leonowicz Vincent J. MacDougall Robert M. MacIver Elena Marsillo Frank Maselli Larry McGoldrick Nikos Metallinos Eric J. Mongerson Halina Monkiewicz Jennifer Moore Marjorie A. Morton Khammo Oudomvilay Anna Pagliuca Maria-Clara Paradisis Susan Parisella Vladimir Pavlicik Michel Pelletier Hormoz B. Poorooshasb Janice Robinson Mary J. Scott James L. Scribner Devendra Sharma Rajjan Shinghal Diane Sole Cathy Sowden Terence Too Lorraine A. Toscano Linda Toy Lorraine Tucker Jurgen H. Werth Eudene Whittaker Patricia Helen Winston Barbara C. Woodside
25 years Robert S. Aiken Vangalur S. Alagar Ralph Allison Jacqueline Anderson Ratna Banerjee Richard P. Bisaillon Virginia Bowker Pansy Brown Diane Browne Kevin G. Callaghan Maureen Doheny Geoffrey C. Fidler Frederick Francis Averil Gagnon Denis Gauthier Patricia J. Grant Wagdi G. Habashi Jane Hackett Muriel Herrington Marilyn Howell Lucille Hreha Syed Afzal Hussain Mary Judith Kornblatt Wendy Knechtel Mark Kwiatkowski Clement W.H. Lam Claude Lamarche Yves Lanneville Loren Ruth Lerner Patsy Martin Lightbown Linda R. MacDonald Deborah MacFadden Elizabeth MacLean Edward John Maly Karen Mullett Alexander R. Olynyk Diane Pagnuelo Alfonsina Plenzich William D. Raso Elizabeth J. Saccà Murielle Salari Peter Seraganian V. Alex Sharma Mahesh Sharma Peter Shizgal Thomas Simms Gerald S. Vardon Frances E. Weller
30 years Arthur Ayotte Frederick A. Bode Lise Brault Leonard Campeau Ulrike De Brentani Judith Herz Joel Hillel Sandra Lafontaine Zeng-Rung Liu Dennis Murphy Rafik Neemeh Harald W. Proppe Amruthur Ramamurthy Robert Raphael Robert M. Roy Matthew Seebruch Harvey Shulman Oswald S. Tee Heather Thibaudeau Marcelle Trotman Mary Vipond
35 years Tannis Y. Arbuckle-Maag June S. Chaikelson Michel Despland Barry Frank Nancy Marrelli Balbir S. Sahni Irene Sendek
36 years Frank R. Chalk Richard Cronin James C. Hayes Lynne C. Prendergast Manfred E.F. Szabo
37 years Shafiq A. Alvi Malcolm B. Foster Pierre Parc Brian Slack Tariq Srivastava Jane Stewart
38 years Michael Brian Kalman Krakow Graham Martin Stephen J. Scheinberg Ramesh C. Sharma
Concordia also wishes the following employees a happy early retirement:Suzanne Belson Valerie Berry Cecil Blackette William Brender Pierre Brunet Josie Christensen Michel Daigneault Arthur Dias Wesley Fitch Vivien Freedman Lauraine Gagnon Magda Haddad Brian Hawker Harry Hill Margaret MacPherson Linda McDonald Eleanor Morris Peter Page Peter Paquet Eric Parsons Edward Pechter Donald Richard Maureen Schrotter Jurg Seeger Matti Terho Larry Thiel Robert Weeks Marilyn Wilson
eterans compared their war wounds and generally had fun reminiscing at the annual celebration of long service, held May 10 at the University Club.Art Education Professor Elizabeth J. Saccá, one of the "class of 1974," proposed a toast to Concordia in which she said that her decision to come here was based on falling in love with Montreal -- seeing a beautifully displayed crate of oranges outside Dionne's, the upscale grocery emporium that was once on Ste. Catherine St., in the heart of downtown.
"It was at that moment that I decided if they offer me the job, I'll take it," she said. "Concordia was open, new and struggling. It was an open, wild, disorganized place."
To give a little historical perspective, Saccá gave her own timeline. For those employees who started in 1980, "The postmaster said the 17-cent postage stamp would definitely go up." For those who started in 1975, Mirabel Airport opened, and the Canadian dollar was stronger than the U.S. dollar "for the last time."
Those who started working at Loyola and Sir George in 1970 would remember how the FLQ Crisis dominated the news, and those who arrived at Loyola and Sir George in 1965 would recall that the Henry F. Hall Building and the Montreal métro opened that year, on the same day.