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Four trees have been quietly planted in the quadrangle at Loyola in memory of Matthew Douglass, Michael Hogben, Jaan Saber and Phoivos Ziogas.
Sociology Professor Brian Petrie (in the light pants in the photo) wanted to leave something tangible behind when he retired this spring and moved to the West Coast. He chose to give four trees in memory of the Concordia professors who were slain at work on August 24, 1992.
When he came to Concordia in 1976, Petrie became acquainted with Biology Professor Michael Hogben, who, with his wife, went sailing on Petrie's boat.
"A tree seemed like a fitting memorial for someone who was so environmentally aware, and for the other three professors, too," Petrie said. "Also, Mike was a Loyola person, and there's no memorial there."
The trees are a variety popular in Montreal called gleditsia shademaster. They are about 20 feet tall now, and will develop a graceful umbrella shape.
Behind the Chapel and near the Central Building, they will have plenty of space to grow, and will be unaffected by the construction of the new science building. A plaque with the professors' names will also be installed. Dr. Petrie wants to
thank Jacques St-Amour (at far left in the photo) and his staff for helping to realize this project.