The Quebec government's Commissaire du travail has accepted the amalgamation of Concordia's six SCOMM bargaining units into one unit, effective on July 23, 1998. (SCOMM is the French acronym for the Canadian Marine Officers Union.)
The University and this newly combined bargaining unit, which includes Concordia's plumbers, electricians, and employees in architectural maintenance, the power plants, and Distribution Services, will soon meet to negotiate a single collective agreement.
Collective agreements have been signed with CUFA (full-time faculty), CUPFA (part-time faculty), part-time faculty in Continuing Education (CUCEPTFU), and, most recently, CUPEU (professionals).
Negotiations with the MWCA (maintenance workers and cleaners) began in May, and continue. Negotiations with CUSSU (support staff) began in June. A negotiation meeting was held with VLANPE (Vanier Library non-professionals) in June, and further discussions will be held this fall.
No talks have been scheduled for CUSSTS (support staff technicians) or NUSGWUE (Webster Library employees), but Director of Employee Relations Gilles Bourgeois said the University hoped these will resume shortly.
It seemed as though every one of Concordia's 1,200 international students (along with, in many cases, diplomats from their countries) wanted to attend the welcoming reception held in the downtown Faculty and Staff Lounge on September 11.
There has been a remarkable rise in the number of exchange students (only 188 three years ago, compared to 450 this year). Exchanges are a great source of personal enrichment and professional advancement.
The Director of Concordia's Centre for International Academic Co-operation (CIAC), Balbir Sahni, urges more Concordia students to consider studying for a year in another country. For information on how to take advantage of an exchange program, call the CIAC at 848-4987.
Today, the city's international students have free access to major municipal attractions, including the Biodôme, Botanical Gardens, Insectarium and Planetarium. This special day in their honour is organized by Montréal International and the City of Montreal. For more information, call 987-8191, 872-2457, or Concordia's Claudette Fortier, 848-3514.