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School of Community and Public Affairs
Phil Fontaine
Grand Chief of the Assembly of First Nations
"First Nations in Canada: A New Relationship for the Next Millennium"
Tuesday, October 27, 7:30 p.m.
Alumni Auditorium (H-110)
Henry F. Hall Building
For the first time, the top graduates from Concordia's Faculty of Commerce and Administration have been invited to join the internationally recognized elite of business students.
The Beta Gamma Sigma Business Honour Society is made up of the top 10 per cent of Bachelor's graduates and the top 20 per cent of Master's and diploma graduates from schools accredited by the American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). Two years ago, Concordia became only the fourth Canadian institution to earn AACSB accreditation.
Congratulations to the following students, who will be honoured at a ceremony on Saturday, October 24, at 4 p.m. in the downtown Faculty Club.
Jennifer Abbatiello
Ramzi Ali
David Amend
Terrence W. Armstrong
Gregoire Arndt
Christopher Avery
Mesfin Ayele
Vanessa A. Bavota
Nabil Beitinjaneh
Jordana Berger
Cynthia Lee Bernard
Matthew Robert Bogue
Federico G. Bolza
Marc Bouffard
Barbara Ann Britt
Sophie Campeau
Decimo F. Carlisi
Charlie Hanchi Chen
Qian Chen
Bonnie Ann Cockhill
Nancy Crandall
Robert J.E. Davidson
Pascale DesLauriers
Nicolas Guaqueta
Neil B. Gyan
R.P. (Bob) Hurtubise
Siwoo Jang
George N. Kolokotronis
Charmaine Kuran
Christine Laperrière
Jean-Hugues Lapointe
Hoi Sze Iris Lau
Robert K. Laufer
May Ley Magdalene Law
Virginia W.T. Law
Nancy A. McArthur
Joanne McCarthy
Ross A. McCracken
Peter A. McDade
Oliver C. Mallich
Sherrill Novosad
Concetta Pacifico
Sonalee Parekh
Steven Rinaldo
Tsuyoshi Saito
Ingy Sarraf
Mike Scarpellini
Raemona Slodovnick
Anamitra Shome
Wanda Staples-Dumas
Lai Yee Tang
Vincenza Timpano
Karin Tor
Haig Vanlian
André Vincent
Carolyn J. Vogelesang
Caiyun Wang
Stephen Warr
Cynthia Leslie Winikoff
Linda Wlodarski
Barton White
Ahmed Youssef
Rana Zoghaib
Sa'ad Hajzi, president of Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST), paid a recent visit to Concordia, and is seen above at a dinner at the home of Rector Frederick Lowy, flanked by the Rector and Provost and Vice-Rector Research Jack Lightstone. In the background is Bir Sahni, Director of the Centre for International Academic Co-operation, talking to Professor M.R. Kamal, of McGill University.
JUST has longstanding links with Concordia's Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science through a CIDA-funded project, and is discussing collaboration in other disciplines, as well as brokering academic linkages with other institutions in the Middle East.
Panel discussion on the 1798 Rebellion
Monday, October 26, 8:30 p.m.
Room 435, Henry F. Hall Building
Tom Bartlett: "1798 in Perspective"
Daire Keogh: "The Women of '98"
Kevin Whelan: "The Politics of Memory"
The discussion, which is co-sponsored by the Government of Ireland, will be introduced by Seamus Brennan,
Irish Minister of State. Admission is free.
In 1798, over a few frenzied weeks, more than 30,000 Irish people, Catholic and Protestant, were killed in one of the earliest attempts to shake off British colonial rule. Commemorations in 1898 and 1948 centred on the Catholic rebels, but the 200th anniversary promises to have broader scope.
Mary McAleese, the president of Ireland, made a state visit to Canada recently. While in Montreal, she was the guest of the local Irish community at the University Club, and took a few moments to meet separately with Concordia administrators. Chancellor Eric Molson (seen at right) told President McAleese about Concordia's strong Irish connections through Loyola College, and the effort to raise $2.3 million to establish an Irish studies research and teaching centre here.
The Canadian Irish Studies Foundation had a splendid Night at the Races on September 16 at the Hippodrome of Montreal (formerly Blue Bonnets). It was a black-tie affair, with cocktails and dinner, and a little flutter on the side. Virtually all the $150 tickets were sold, and the event was splashed all over The Gazette's society page.
The proceeds pretty well topped up the $2.3-million fundraising campaign to establish a program in Canadian-Irish studies at Concordia. In the photo are Rector Frederick and Mary Kay Lowy, and behind them, jockey Sylvain Filion with campaign chair Brian Gallery. The horse is Monsieur Mykonos, winner of the fifth race.