
Concordia's Thursday Report is interested in your letters, opinions and comments. Letters to the Editor must be signed, include a phone number, and be delivered to the CTR office (BC-121/1463Bishop St.) in person, by fax (514-848-2814), by e-mail (barblak@alcor.concordia.ca ) or mail by 9a.m. on the Friday prior to publication. Limit your letter to 500words. The Editor reserves the right to edit for space considerations, although the utmost care will be taken to preserve the core of the writer's argument.

Sense of insecurity

Oops! To the best of my knowledge, the Department of Mathematics and Statistics is still one of the largest departments at Concordia. I therefore note with some interest that it seems to have been totally left out of the University Space Plan as reported in the March 2 issue of CTR. Should I start advising my faculty to start looking for jobs elsewhere?

Joel Hillel


Department of Mathematics and Statistics

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