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Events, notices and classified ads must reach the Public Relations Department (BC-115) in writing no later than Thursday, 5 p.m. the week prior to the Thursday publication.For more information, please contact Eugenia Xenos at 848-4279, by fax: 848-2814 or by e-mail: ctr@alcor.concordia.ca
The Applied Psychology Centre in the Department of Psychology offers confidential psychotherapy and assessment for adults, couples, families, children and teenagers. By appointment only. Call 848-7550.
Until March 18
Through An-Other's Eyes: White Canadian Artists, Black Female Subjects. Leonard and Bina Ellen Art Gallery, 1400 de Maisonneuve W. Free. Info: 848-4750.
Until March 30
A Cultivated Longing, work by Rebecca Anweiler. Vernissage: Friday, March 24, 5 p.m. Bourget Gallery, Bourget Bldg. 1230 de la Montagne. Free. Info: 848-4607.
Environmental Health and Safety
For information and prices on the following courses, call Donna Fasciano at 848-4355.
Saturday, March 18:
BLS re-certification
Thursday, March 23:
Heartsaver (English)
Tuesday, March 28:
Heartsaver (French)
Saturday, April 1:
Basic Life Support
Jesus, a Modern Educator?
Contemplate and learn from the person of Jesus in the Gospels...Find hope and peace in the experience of His love. Wednesdays, 4 - 5 p.m. 2090 Mackay, Z-104. Info: Michelina Bertone, SSA, 848-3591.
Exploring the Sacred
A discussion group with David Eley, S.J. Wednesdays, 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. at Belmore House (WF-100-10). Info: David Eley, S.J., 848-3587.
"Entering the Stream"
An Introduction to Buddha and His Teachings, a book-reading group with Daryl Lynn Ross. Wednesdays, 1:30 -3 p.m., 2090 Mackay, Z-105. Info: Daryl Lynn Ross, 848-3585, or darylyn@vax2.concordia.ca
Mindfulness Meditation
At SGW: Wednesdays, noon to 1 p.m., 2090 Mackay, Z-105. At Loyola: Thursdays, noon to 1 p.m., or Wednesdays, 7:45 - 9:15 p.m., 2496 West Broadway, Room 100-10. Info: Daryl Lynn Ross, 848-3585, darylyn@vax2.concordia.ca
Outreach Experience
A program of volunteer service at a soup kitchen for children or for homeless men (Benedict Labre House). Info: Michelina Bertone, SSA, 848-3591.
How do Faith and Ecology Connect?
A discussion group on the environment, the sacred and us. Mondays, 1:30 p.m. Ð 3 p.m., 2090 Mackay, Z-102. Info: Ellie Hummel, 848-3590, hellieh@alcor.concordia.ca
A Time To Be
Come join us for reflection, prayer, music, silence, friendship, readings and more. Thursdays, noon Ð 1 p.m., 2090 Mackay, Z-105. Info: Ellie Hummel, 848-3590, hellieh@alcor.concordia.ca
Lunch Bunch
Bring your brown bag lunch, and Campus Ministry will provide the coffee, tea and hot chocolate. Tuesday, 12 p.m. Ð 1 p.m. at 2090 Mackay, Z-105. Info: Ellie Hummel, 848-3590 or Michelina Bertone, SSA, at 848-3591.
Mother Hubbard's Cupboard
Nutritious, vegetarian meals. Just $1 or two! Mondays 5-7 p.m., 2090 Mackay Ð Z-105/6. Info: 848-3588 or 848-2859.
Centre for Teaching and Learning Services
Maintaining an Effective Class
Home Page
Thursday, March 30, H-521, Hall Building, 10 a.m. Ð 12 p.m. For more information or to register for this Faculty Development workshop, contact 848-2495, or CTLS@alcor.concordia.ca
Oscar Peterson Concert Hall, 7141 Sherbroooke St. W. 848-4848.
Thursday, March 23, 8 p.m.:
Jazz Combo II, feathuring the Michael Golden Ensemble, directed by Gary Schwartz. Free admission.
Friday, March 24, 8 p.m.:
Jazz Improvisation I, directed by Michael Berard. Free admission.
Saturday, March 25, 8 p.m.:
Guitar ensemble, directed by Michael Berard. Free admission.
Sunday, March 26, 8 p..m.:
The Vinyl CafŽ, with Stuart McLean. $25 (plus service).
Wednesday, March 29, 8 p.m.:
Diploma students of Lauretta Altman, Valerie Kinslow and Beverley McGuire. Free admission.
Thursday, March 30, 8 p.m.:
Piano concert, students of Gregory Chaverdian. Free admission.
Friday, March 31, 8 p.m.:
Diploma students of Lauretta Altman, Valerie Kinslow and Beverley McGuire. Free admission.
At SGW: H-440, 848-3545; At Loyola: 2490 West Broadway, 848-3555.
Lunch 'n Learn
Free bagels and tips for learning and writing in H-662, from 12 to 1 p.m. March 16: How to deal with procrastination; March 20: Writing essay exams; March 22: Capitalize correctly; March 23: Finding time to study for finals.
Drop-in writing help
On the mezzanine, Wednesday, March 29 from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.. Bring your paper and meet with a writing specialist for on-the-spot writing help.
Student Success Workshop Series
Consult our brochure for more information on these and other upcoming workshops:
1. Oral Presentations: Video Practice and Feedback. Learn the mechanics of giving an oral presentation and get feedback and tips for future presentations. Monday, March 20, 1:30 - 4:30 p.m.
2. Motivate Yourself! Learn what motivates you and increase your potential for success. Thursday, March 16 and 23 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
3. Stress Without Tears. A two-session workshop in which you develop an individualized stress management plan. Wednesdays, March 22 and 29, 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Recipes wanted
Submit your easy, cheap and nutritious recipes to our Recipe Contest with your name and phone number and win BIG! Drop them off at either location of Health Services, the Information desk in the Hall Bldg or e-mail them to: morano@alcor.concordia.ca . Deadline: Friday, March 24, 4 p.m. Info: 848-3572.
Wellness workshops
Check out our Wellness Workshop Series. Thursday, March 16 -- Take a Breather. 2 - 4 p.m. Call to register at 848-3578/3569.
Thursday, March 16
Hans Rindisbacher, Pomona College, on "Putting Smells into Words: The Accretion of Meaning in Patrick SŸskind's Novel Perfume," 8:15 p.m., H-415, 1455 de Maisonneuve W.
Friday, March 17
J. Krishnamurti video presentation, "The Energy in Emptiness," 8:30 p.m., H-431, 1455 de Maisonneuve W. Info: 937-8869.
Friday, March 17
Dr. Donald Dedrick, Concordia, on "Wittgenstein, Westphal, and the nature of the colours." 4 - 6 p.m., H-607, 1455 de Maisonneuve W. Info: 848-2500.
Monday, March 20
Alain Dubuc of La Presse, author Naomi Klein, author Judy Rebick, and Hugh Segal of the Institute for Research on Public Policy, on "Canada's Future: Challenges and Strategies." 6 p.m., Le Nouvel Hotel, 1740 RenŽ LŽvesque. Info: SCPA, 848-2575.
Wednesday, March 22
Professor J. Rogers Hollingsworth, Chair, Program in Comparative History, University of Wisconsin, on "Radical Innovations: Perspectives Drawn from Karl Polanyi and Michael Polanyi." 5 - 7 p.m., Room 301, CJC Building, 1590 Dr. Penfield. Info: 848-8707.
Friday, March 24
Dr. William Harper, University of Western Ontario, on "Newton's Application of Law 3 to Argue that Gravitation is a Force of Interaction between Bodies." 4 - 6 p.m., H-607, 1455 de Maisonneuve W. Info: 848-2500.
Monday, March 27
Glen Murray, mayor of Winnipeg, on "The Murder of Canadian Cities," 6 p.m., Faculty Club, 7th floor, Hall Bldg., 1455 de Maisonneuve W. Part of the School of Community and Public Affairs' Alumni Lecture Series. Info: 848-2575.
Friday, March 31
Susan Musgrave, poet and novelist, will present a literary reading at 7:30 p.m., H-407, 1455 de Maisonneuve W. Info: 848-2341.
Concordia's Legal Information Services offers free and confidential legal information and assistance to the Concordia community. By appointment only. Call 848-4960.
Annual general meeting
The Concordia University Part-time Faculty Association will hold its annual general meeting on Thursday, March 23, at 4:45 p.m. in H-767. Info: 848-3691.
Call for CCSL nominations
Nomination forms for the Concordia Council on Student Life awards are available at: Dean of Students (AD-121, H-653), CSU office (H-637, The Hive/Campus Center), GSA (T-202), CASA (GM-218), ECA (H-880), Information Desk (Hall Building, first floor). Deadline for nominations: Wednesday, March 22, at 5 p.m. Info: 848-4242.
Concordia Student Safety Patrol
Need to use the Safety Patrol's drop-by or accompaniment services? Call 848-7533 to reach a dispatcher between 6 p.m. and midnight, Monday to Friday, both campuses. Also, we can never have enough volunteers. If you have three hours to spare a week, call 848-8600 (SGW) or 848-8700 (Loyola).
The Office of Rights and Responsibilities is available to all members of the university community for confidential consultations regarding any type of unacceptable behaviour, including discrimination and personal/sexual harassment, threatening and violent conduct, theft, destruction of property. Call 848-4857, or drop by 2150 Bishop, room 110.
The Ombuds Office is available to all members of the University for information, confidential advice and assistance with university-related problems. Call 848-4964, or drop by 2100 Mackay, room 100.
We are a group of undergraduate students, just like you. We get lost, confused and worried like everyone else. Our drop-in centre is a quiet, friendly place where you can relax, chat or ask a simple question about anything. If we don't know the answer, we'll get you to someone who does. We also have a lending library. Monday Ð Thursday, 12 Ð 5 p.m., Z-02, 2090 Mackay, 848-2859.
Book launch
The Simone de Beauvoir Institute invites you to the book launch of a special anniversary double issue, Heritage In-Situ, Simone de Beauvoir Institute Review/Revue de l'Institut Simone de Beauvoir. Tuesday, March 21 from 5- 7 p.m. at 2170 Bishop, Room 101.
Armenian genocide remembrance
A book reading by Dr. Lorne Shirinian called "Quest for Closure: The 1915 Genocide, Armenians in Canada, and the Federal Government" will take place March 20. It will be at Faculty Lounge (7th floor) of the Hall Building (1455 de Maisonneuve W.) at 6 p.m.
Seeking grad student
Commerce lecturer seeks one graduate student specializing in North American literature and one graduate student in religion to participate in short-term research project. Able to work on your own time. Contact Mark Medicoff at foundationdoctor@qc.aibn.com
For sale
Acer flat bed scanner, 310P, parallel model for Windows 95/Windows 98. Original packaging, one year old. Paid $150, seldom used. $80 non-negotiable. Contact Roy, 640-6519, ext. 328, or rcai@mercato.concordia.ca
Seeking accommodations
Retired Concordia professor, single, no children, no pets, seeks house sitting or furnished accomodation from May 1 to June 30 in Plateau or downtown area. Please send e-mail to: interkombo@mail.matav.hu
Seeking accommodations
Concordia alumnus family of four in Montreal on sabbatical from Memorial University, Newfoundland, requires 3-bedroom furnished accommodation for April, May, and June. Call (514) 484-0957 or e-mail lmhaegert@yahoo.com
Environmental business
Established environmental business, 10 years, protected territory. Serious inquiries, 485-4570.
Services offertes
BaccalaurŽat littŽraire - Dipl™me secrŽtariat de direction - France. Traitement de textes - corrections d'Žpreuves - RŽvisions linguistiques. TŽl. 762-6109, fred.djou@sympatico.ca
Services offered
Translation and proofreading services for university thesis, papers, rŽsumŽs; including courses: Word, Windows 95/98, Call Susan at 937-6409.
Proofreading services
Editing of term papers and dissertations by PhD graduate and writing instructor. Reasonable rates. Call 274-1336.
EAP lunchtime seminar
"Time management: Controlling the Workload." Learn new ideas and techniques on how to truly master your time. Tuesday, March 21, 12 p.m. to 1:15 pm, BC-110. Facilitated by Warren Shepell Consultants. Free. To register, call Carmelita Swann at 3668 or e-mail cswann@alcor.concordia.ca
IITS computer workshops
At the Media Labs at Loyola, AD-105: Adobe Photoshop, Hi8 Video Editing, Hi8 Video Editing with Video Toaster and Adobe Premiere Digital Video Editing are available. $25 per session. Call 848-3465 for dates, times and reservations. Instructional and Information Technology Services also offer a variety of computer workshops downtown. For a complete schedule and how to register, please pick up a flyer at LB-800, 1400 de Maisonneuve W., or visit http://iits/services/training
Employee Development Program
To register, contact Carmelita Swann at 848-3668, cswann@alcor.concordia.ca
1. Managing your Priorities. Learn how to deal with complex interpersonal interactions, how to build strong working relationships and how to increase your productivity. $60. March 22, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. S-ER -500 (2155 Guy).
2. Interpersonal Skills in the Workplace. Use the Strength Deployment Inventory to identify and work with others. March 29, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. $100. S-ER -500 (2155 Guy).
3. Stress Management for the Long-Term.Get information on a variety of long-term options to managing stress that includes positive thinking, assertiveness, cpommunication, time management, problem- solving and more. March 17, 12 - 1 p.m. S-ER -500 (2155 Guy). Free.
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