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Dear colleagues, A lot has been written about the success of the Campaign for a New Millennium. Not enough has been said about the vote of confidence Concordians themselves gave the Campaign and the pivotal role their declaration played in determining our success. Nearly three years ago, the Campaign's Internal Community Division announced that over $12 million in pledges had been made to the Campaign by our students, the members of our Board of Governors, and current and retired members of our faculty and staff. This declaration of support, which included a remarkable 10-year, $9-million contribution by our students, was among the first and most heartfelt we received. Its importance was invaluable, and opened the door to many gifts, including those made to the Campaign by the University's Alumni Associations. Today, the total pledged by our internal community amounts to more than $15 million. As we put the finishing touches on our watershed campaign, I would like to publicly acknowledge the statement of confidence made by the following donors, and remind them that the entire Concordia community is indebted to their generosity. Frederick Lowy, Rector and Vice-Chancellor |
and over Ned Goodman* Carolyn and Richard Renaud*
From $250,000 - $999,999 Concordia University Alumni Association Miriam Roland* From $100,000 - $249,999 Francesco Bellini, O.C.* Margot Lande Mildred Lande, C.M.** Eric Molson* Brian Steck** Jonathan Wener* From $50,000 - $99,999 J. Brian Aune** Bina and Leonard Ellen* George F. Lengvari, Q.C.** Marisol and the late Humberto Santos** From $20,000 - $49,999 Paris J. Arnopoulos Ronald Corey, C.M.** Marcel Danis Leo Goldfarb* George Hanna* Frederick H. Lowy, O.C. Loyola Alumni Association Inc. Chuck and Hazel Mah* L. Jacques Mˇnard, C.M.* Lillian Vineberg* From $10,000 - $19,999 Anonymous (2) Lawrence Bessner Donald L. Boisvert Oksana Dykyj and John W. Locke Sophia and John Economides, C.M.** Larry English Nabil Esmail Paul P. Fazio The late Reginald Groome, O.C.** Jack Lightstone and Dorothy Markiewicz Loyola Jesuit Community Donald McNaughton** Garry L. Milton and Wendy Hedrich-Milton Brian Neysmith** John Parisella* Frances Shaver Jane Stewart Donat J. Taddeo and Brigitte St. Laurent-Taddeo |
From $1,000 - $1,999 Anonymous (1) Richard L. Allix Martin F. Allor Samir Amiouny Michael C. Babin Barbara Barclay* Sylvie Battisti Joanne Beaudoin* Leslie Becskei Erica Besso Pascale Biron Barbara Black Catherine Bolton Michael A. Brady David F. Brown Perry V. Calce Sandra Cochrane Concordia Accounting Society Michael Conway Joaquim Correia Roger C™tˇ Carol B. Coughlin Jane Craighead Christopher John Cummins Susanne E. Dragffy Charles K. Draimin Jean Pierre Duchesne Irvin Dudeck Susan Durkee Margaret Ferley Claudette Fortier Frederick A. Francis John E. Fryer The late Anne Galler James F. Gavin Mumtaz Gawargy Yves Gilbert Diane Gleason Guy Gosselin Patricia J. Grant Pina Greco Ghislaine Guerard Richard W. Guy Huy Kinh Ha Maureen R. Habib Jane Hackett Richard Hancox Adel Hanna Lee Harris Barbara and Ron Harris Andre Herman Katherine Hedrich Judith Herz Chris Hodge Linda A. Hull Ragai K. Ibrahim Christopher Jackson Praveen K. Jain James E. Jans Gerald J. Jones Amely A. Jurgenliemk Stan Klasa Carole Kleingrib Gabrielle Korn Lawrence Kryzanowski** Claude Lamarche Mireille Landry Normand Lanthier Michel Laroche Brian Lee Christina Lebesis Tho Le-Ngoc Lucie Lequin Joanne Locke Shaun G. Lynch Linda MacDonald Robert MacIver Charlotte N. MacLaurin Edward J. Maly Caroline Markolin Nancy Marrelli Margie Mendell Michael Miles Marjorie A. Morton Chris Mota Cathy Mullen Dennis J. Murphy Ruth Noble Michael Oppenheim Maria Paradiso-De Bellonia David Pariser Eric Patton and Nancy Horowitz James G. Pfaus Rudy Piegsa Patricia Posius Miriam Posner Justin Powlowski C. Lynne Prendergast Margaret A. Robertson Marie-Andrˇe Robitaille Brodie Franc Rogan Wendy N. Roscoe Robert Roy Neil Schwartzman Irene Sendek Lydia H. Sharman Angie Siano Weldon Smith Ingrid E. Spindelmann Nancy Stewart Ion Stiharu Ching Y. Suen Stanley Swiercz The Concordian Heather Thibaudeau Larry H. Thiel Lorraine A. Toscano Gerald S. Vardon Michael V. Von Grunau Colleen Weddell David E. Wells Richard Young Chiu Lun Yu Laurie Zack Vladimir Zeman Radu Grigore Zmeureanu |
From $100 - 249 Anonymous (5) Aleksander Ackerman Leonda Adler Syed M. Ahsan Joanne Anselmi Andreas Athienitis Prasad Aysola Dina Azuelos Brigeen Marian Badour Maria-Helena Bairos Daphne Bentley Leo A. Bissonnette Robert Boncore Lorna Boucher Eric Boulanger Abraham J. Boyarsky Erika L. Brazinskis Michael G. Bross Hoang T. Bui Sylvia Carter Richard Cawley Jackie N. Chegrinec Iain Cook Faye D. Corbin Marie-Hˇl¸ne Cousineau Priscilla David-Gladu Carlos De Souza Silvia DiLallo Geralyne B. Dionne Bruce English Maggie Ewing Donatina Fasciano John Fiorilli Rose Fong Pamela J. Fox Roberto Franchini Wendy French Josˇe Gagnon Paul Gill William Gilsdorf Laura Groening Gerald Gross Tamara Gulezko Rita Halliday Patricia E. Hardt Stanley V. Hill John D. Howes Susan Hudson Sandra James Linda Janz Corinne Jettˇ Ernest Joos Gary Katch Lynn Kirk P. Stephen Kumarapeli Herbert Ladd Martine Langevin Nathalie Laporte Anne Lavack Arthur Lermer Zav Brahm Levinson Bluma Litner Edward Little Catherine Lounsbury Edith Malik Sharon McLean Sydney B. Miller David Miller Sharon H. Nelson John Noonan Donna Noseworthy Jo-Ann Oberg-Muller Chris T. OÕRegan Freda Otchere Robert H. Pallen Giuliana Panetta Peter Paquet Cynthia Parkinson Albert K. Pask Maria Pazula Leland Peterson Ronald E. Proulx Amruther Ramamurthy William C. Reimer Laurent Roberge Sebastien Robidoux Evelyn Rodinos Patricia Roth Murray Sang Nancy A. Sardella Paul Sarenas Alex V. Sharma Ellen Sarah Sheehy Michael Sheldon Dolly Shinhat-Ross Christine Sidhom Carmelita Swann Lixin Tao Stella A. Teti Jacki Thaw Nelly Trakas John Van Toch Sandra Walker-Ramisch Catherine Wickham Audrey J. Williams Roy A. Wise Robert Joseph Wrightson Hanqing Wu Yoly T. Young Karen Zajdman Zenon A. Zielinski |
From $5,000 - $9,999 Bryan S. Barbieri Rama B. Bhat June S. Chaikelson* Claire Cupples William Curran Michael Di Grappa Charles Emond Bram Freedman David B. Frost Morag and Peter Howlett* Christopher D. Hyde George Kanaan Ann Kerby Judith and Jack Kornblatt Jang Kwon Christine Lengvari* Patsy Lightbown Graham Martin Allan E. Nash Lionel Sanders Alex Schwartzman Martin Singer Morton Stelcner Claude Taylor, O.C.** Thomas J. Tomberlin From $2,000 - $4,999 Anonymous (1) Palmer Acheson Zalman Amit Mohsen Anvari Tannis Y. Arbuckle-Maag** Elaine Arsenault Clarence S. Bayne Alain Benedetti* Ann Bennett Peter H. Bird Gary Mcintyre Boyd Tien D. Bui William P. Byers* Alex Carpini* Frank Chalk Mark Corwin Anthony Costanzo Brian Counihan Ulrike de Brentani and Martial Todorovic Richard Diubaldo Marianne Donaldson* Jamshid Etezadi-Amoli David Ford Bˇreng¸re G. Gaudet Paul E. Gibbons Susan J. Hawke Muriel Herrington The late Frank Knowles** Henry J. Kovalcik Vojislav Latinovic Ronald E. Lawless* Javier A. Lee Lina Lipscombe Shiping Ma Anh T. Mai Richard D. McDonald J. D. McLaughlin Hugh McQueen Kathleen Perry Harald W. Proppe and Bonnie-Jean Campbell William D. Raso Enn Raudsepp Peter Rist Balbir S. Sahni Mary J. Scott Norman S. Segalowitz and Elizabeth Gatbonton Marianna Simeone* and Domenic Pappadia Sherry Simon Sally Spilhaus Sandra Spina Laura Stanbra Patricia A. Thornton Christopher W. Trueman Ann Vroom Thomas Waugh The late Donna White Joseph E. Woods Susan Woods** Barbara C. Woodside Harry J. Zarins |
From $500 - $999 Anonymous (2) Kimberly R. Adams Geoffrey Adams Christopher A. Alleyne Stefan Anastasiu Sami Antaki Arthur Ayotte Dorina Banu Norma Barnes Suzanne Belson Francie Beresford Fredrick Bird Catherine Bissonnette- Wilkinson Cary Boucock Nathalie Brient Louise Brunette William Bukowski Elie Castiel Judith Cezar Manon Cliche Donna Cooper Marvin Cooper Peter C™tˇ Penelope Cousineau-Levine Heather Cunningham- Williams Ghislaine Daoust Catherine Daigle Siamak Danaie Enza De Cubellis Dennis Dicks Mary Di Michele Brenda Dionne Linda Dubeau Linda Dyer Ann English Thomas Lance Evoy Andrea Fairchild-Weltzl Terry Fancott* Elvira Fiorentino Dael Foster Andrˇ Gagnon Gary Geddes Mary Genova B. Zeki Gidengil Sandra Ginger Bernard P. Glover Catherine D. Grace James Grant Christopher Gray Paul Gregory Gail Grier Rick Gurnsey Ernest Haigh Jeremiah F. Hayes Cindy Hedrich Catherine Hirst Van Suong Hoa Marilyn Howell Chen F. Huang Cathy Hughes Lynn Hughes Paul Joyce Dubravka Kapa Kamel Khalifa Pierre La Porte Mary Laliotis Libby Laurie-Monaco Les Lawton William Lynch Maureen MacCuish Deborah MacFadden Christine MacKay Michael P. Marak Heather Markgraf-Lowe Catherine Mavrikakis Angela McInnes-Ghadban Brian J. Meaney Vartouhi Meldonian William T. Miller James Moore Stanley Mroz David Mumby Donna Mundey Luis Nasim Robert Nagy Lata Narayanan Sandra Olshaski Leslie Orr Nicholas A. Ostopkevich Dan Otchere Heather Patenaude Ross Perigoe Nannette Plant Carolle Poirier Maria Ponte Sonia K. Poulin Danielle Pullen Louise Quesnel Subhash C. Rakheja Jiwu Rao Freda Rashkovan Ira Robinson Daniel Roy Sylvia Ruby Joao Sanches Rosemarie Schade Stephen J. Scheinberg Andrea Segal Lisa Serbin Peter Shizgal Harvey Shulman Mary Silas Michael A. Svensson Dina Tavares Christine Tawtel Oswald S. Tee Linda L. Tees Matti Terho Mrugank Thakor Glen Thomas Cameron R. Tilson Adrian Tsang Fiorindo Tudino Patricia Turkenburg Joanne E. Turnbull Donna Varrica Ngoc L. Vo Hussein Warsame Catherine Watt Frances E. Weller Joanna White Paul Widden Eddy Wong Judith Woodsworth Maria-Teresa Zenteno From $250 - $499 Anonymous (1) Diane Adkins Huguette Albert Paul J. Albert Shimon Amir Jacqueline Anderson Karen Antaki Bala Ashtakala John William Atwood Karen Ayotte-Guibord Denise L. Beamish Claude Bˇdard Christopher S. Bober Howard Bokser Mary A. Boswall David C. Boucher Gaston Boulanger Leo Campagna John R. Campanelli Donna Caputo Nicolet Cellucci Donald Chambers Andrew Chociwski Jean Chateauvert Andrew Conde Loni Cornax Johanne De Cubellis Elaine Denis Lina H. D'Iorio Anna-Beth Doyle Daniel Drouin Sandra D'Sylva Andrew Dutkewych Maria Elektorowicz Nicole Faurˇ* Gail Fayerman Wendy A. Findlay Nella Fiorentino-Giscondi John Fisher William Lambert Gardiner Yemane Berhan Gessesse Marlene Gigu¸re Lucy Gilson Anita N. Grant Kathryn A. Griffin Rosemary Hale Richard L. Hall Julie H. Healy Harry Hill Gabriella Hochmann Sandra Hoffman Susan Hogan Homa Hoodfar Margaret A. Hume Lynda Hyette Nurul Islam Tilly Janowitz Norma Joseph Nancy Kamal Arlin L. Kipling Galina Kolesova Demetre Kolokotronis Melvin Komoda Andrzej Krysztofowicz Stan Kubina Leslie Landsberger Jacques Langevin Patricia H. Larson-Winston Ginette Laurin Janine Lavallˇe Claudette Lavoie Louyse N. Lussier Vivianne Majeau Jolanta Manowska Cedric Marsh Elena Marsillo Mia Massicotte Donald McElcheran Shirley A. McLeod Nikos Metallinos Luc Metras Gloria E. Miller Diane Moffat Marie-Christine Morel Eleanor Moss-Werbin Marie-Fran¨oise Murat Gabrielle Murphy Francesco Nudo Susan OÕConnell** Johanne Plamondon Kristina Potter Bernie Raso John J. Raso Rabindranath Raut Beverley L. Rennick Sandra Robinson Daryl L. Ross Maurice Rossin-Arthiat Danny E. Rossiter Barbara Rousse T. S. Rukmani Patrick J. Saathoff Nicole N. Saltiel Diane Sauvˇ Richard Schmid Hilary Scuffell Robert G. Simioni** Olga Soares Darcy Sowden David Tabakow Paul Theberge Terrence Too Luc Varin Luigina Vileno Piero Violonchi Yuke Wang Sarah Warlund Cheryl A. Williams Angela Wilson Wright Elizabeth Wise John Woodrow |
From $10 - $99 Anonymous (3) Jill Abcarius Kathryn-Anne Adams Marion E. Alleyne Sheila Anderson David H. Andres Boi May Ang Sheila Arnopoulos Mary Baldwin Peter R. Banks Lois Baron Doreen Bates Dale T. Bisanti Nabil R. Bissada Kenneth J. Bissonnette Janice Bissonnette Shirley Black Jack Bordan Katherine Brady Jacqueline Brathwaite William Brender Line Brisebois Brenda Brisson Ellen Brodahl Patricia Burnside Mark Bye Jenny Calder-Lacroix Gilles Champigny Stanley P. Charbonneau Patricia Chau Michael Chervin Paul Chesser Sandra Ciampini Beth Crevier Pompeo DÕAvella Reza Danesh Luc Demers Dominique Derome Lynne Des Lauriers Jean Doehring Suzanne L. Downs Suzane Dumais Gisele Duplantis Heather Edward Assunta Fargnoli Daphne Fairbairn Robert Fox Beatrice Francis Pauline Gross Margaret L. Gourlay Vince Graziano Mich¸le Hoffman Gifford Hooper William R. Hooper Nina Howe Marlis Hubbard Leslie Ann Hughes Suzanne Huot Abolhassan Jalilvand Todd Johnson Natalie Kaloust Danny Kane June Kenny Sameer Khoury Gustave Labbe Richard E. Lachapelle Timothy L. Lapin Laurie Lea-Jones Leisha LeCouvie Kevin Leduc Barbara Leonowicz Nathalie S. Leveille Andrea MacDonald Kelly MacKay Diane J. Maharaj Antonietta Martuccio Meeda Mashal Edith McCarthy Brenda McCullagh Jean McGuire Karen A. McTavish Lanie Melamed Munit Merid Georgia Michalakopoulos Mary Parkinson Millar Jennifer Moore Marie Josˇe Morel Sharon Morrison Frank G. Mueller Elaine Muise Laura Munt Rani Murugesan Sophie Mˇrineau Kenza Noufsi Alexander R. Olynyk Sheelah OÕNeill Helen Parent Robert T. Patterson May C. Patton Ann Pearson Nina Peritz Alfonsina Plenzich Vita Plume Larry W. Prochner Keith Pruden Irene Puchalski The late Margaret Radack Khalil Rahman Marie-Claire Richer Claude Rivard Darleen Robertson Donna Romanini Andrea Rose Melanie Sanford Ron Schafrick Mindy Selinger Marjorie Sharp Mary E. Shore Adil Siddiqui Beatrice Simone Joseph Smucker George J. Snowball Jody Staveley Jeannette A. Switzer Phung T. Tu Lorraine Tucker Betty L. Tzotzis Lise Villemure Ronald Wareham Gail Warren Helga Weissler Carol Williams Mei Wu Eugenia Xenos Mohammed Zaheeruddin
Present member of the Board of Governors ** Past member of the Board of Governors |
The results presented reflect the total funds pledged to, or received by, The Campaign for a New Millennium. We have respected the wishes of donors requesting anonymity. This roster is produced by the Office of University Advancement. We apologize for any errors or omissions. Please direct all inquiries to: Colleen Weddell, Advancement Officer, 848-4979. |
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