Move over, da Vinci


Daniel Langlois' St. Laurent Blvd. cinema Ex-Centris was the site of a press conference and reception on March 2, when the Daniel Langlois Foundation Chair in Digital Technologies and the Fine Arts was inaugurated. Seen above are Daniel Langlois, cultural philosopher HervŽ Fischer, who was named to the chair, and the Foundation's program director, Jacques Gagnon, who is a Concordia graduate. Fischer said that he looks forward to attracting the best minds in the field to Concordia, both as students and researchers, and to creating a world-class media lab. The $300,000 gift is the largest made so far by the Foundation, and brings together expertise in Concordia's Faculties of Fine Arts and Engineering/Computer Science. As Professor Terry Fancott, one of the speakers, said, it's the first time those disciplines have been so close since Leonardo da Vinci flourished in the 15th century.

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