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pril 15, 1999
ol. 23
o. 14
Genomics Centre is taking shape
Romeo and Juliet produced for an unromantic era
Cell phones can affect hospital equipment
Old-time religion meets new marriage needs in West Africa
Telecommunications age calls for more graduates
Senate Notes
Extension of term sought for Dr. Lowy
Support for Capital Campaign
Molinari pays tribute to the seasons
Calvin Kalman wins national physics teaching award
Young athletes rewarded for excellence
A great year in sports
Al Cauley Award
Concordia Council on Student Life Awards
Labour movement as important as ever
SCPA students stir up ideas
Photo-journalist goes where the action is
Students learn by staging their own environmental fair
Key to success
Computer help is at hand
Chaplain Matti Terho takes retirement
Service with a smile
Revived Hive draws lively interest
Names in the News
Of Note
In Brief
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Copyright 1999 Concordia's Thursday Report.