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Events, notices and classified ads must reach the Public Relations Department (BC-115) in writing no later than Thursday, 5
p.m. the week prior to the Thursday publication.
For more information, please contact Eugenia Xenos at 848-4279, by fax: 848-2814 or by e-mail: ctr@alcor.concordia.ca.
Alumni Recognition Awards Banquet
All members are invited to the ninth annual banquet, to be held Thursday, January 21. $55 per person, Saint James' Club, 1145 Union, 6 p.m. cocktails. Business attire. RSVP at 848-3817.
The Applied Psychology Centre in the Department of Psychology offers confidential psychotherapy and assessment for adults, couples, families, children and teenagers. By appointment only. Call 848-7550.
Until February 9
Faculty of Fine Arts Exhibition: Works by New Faculty Members 1997-99. Leonard and Bina Ellen Art Gallery, 1400 de Maisonneuve W. Free. Info: 848-4750.
Prison Visit Program
Orientation Meeting on Monday, January 18, 2 p.m., Z-105, 2090 Mackay. Visits are on Monday evenings beginning January 25. The program runs for eight weeks. Info: Peter Côté, 848-3586, or Matti Terho 848-3590.
Mother Hubbard's Cupboard
Meals resume Monday, January 11, from 5-7 p.m. in Z-105/106, 2090 Mackay. Info: Campus Ministry, 848-3588, or Peer Helpers, 848-2859.
Buddhist Sutra
This reading group, with Daryl Ross, begins on Thursday, January 21, at 1:30 p.m. at Loyola's Belmore House, WF-100-10. Info: Daryl Ross, 848-3585.
Being at Peace, with Daryl Ross, begins January 20 at Annex Z at noon, and January 21 at Belmore House (WF-100-10) at noon. A third group will meet at the VA Building, time and day TBA. Info: Daryl Ross, 848-3585.
Parent Finders Montreal
We are non-profit, volunteer-run search and support group for adoptees, birth parents, and adoptive parents. Our monthly meetings are open to the public. We meet next on January 21 from 7:30 to 9 p.m., at Concordia's Campus Ministry on Loyola Campus, 2496 West Broadway. Info: Pat Danielson, 683-0204.
Shalom Line
Support for all callers experiencing loneliness, stress, or other personal problems. Anonymous and confidential, staffed by trained volunteers. Sunday, 10:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday-Thursday, 4:30 - 10 p.m. Call 343-4343.
7141 Sherbrooke W. Tickets and info: 848-7928.
Monday, January 25
Loyola Orchestra, 8 p.m. Free.
Student Success Workshops
1. Achieving Personal and Academic Goals. Learn the secrets of effectively setting and achieving personal and academic goals. Thursday, January 14, 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., H-440, 1455 de Maisonneuve W. Info: 848-3545.
2. Make CAPS Work for You! This workshop will provide an overview of the services and resources available at CAPS, which you will inevitably need when looking for a career-related job. Register at CAPS, 2070 Mackay. Thursday, January 14, 2 3 p.m., H-440, 1455 de Maisonneuve W. Info: 848-7345.
3. Smart Start '99. Get off to a good start towards becoming a successful student. Our program for newly admitted students is being held January 18 - 29. Make an appointment to get answers to any questions you might have and learn about the valuable resources we have for you. Info: 848-3564.
January 19 and 21
Getting the facts straight on drugs and drug use and analyzing your attitude and behaviour towards them is only part of the decision-making process. Health Booth, lobby, Hall Building, on Tuesday, January 19, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m., and Thursday, January 21, lobby, Administration Building, Loyola, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Wednesday, January 27
Interested in acupuncture, massotherapy, naturopathy, homeopathy or
aromatherapy? Discover cold and flu herbal remedies, how to boost your immune system, how to relieve stress and lots more
at the Getting To Know Alternative Therapies Fair, Mezzanine, Hall Building. 10 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Thursday, January 14
Dr. Daniel Chodorkoff, Institute for Social Ecology, on "Education for Social Change." 7 p.m., H-110, 1455 de Maisonneuve W. Info: 848-7585.
Friday, January 15
Michael Greyeyes, dancer and actor, on "Images and Stereotypes of First Nations in Film: A Native Perspective." 7 p.m., LB-125 (J.A. DeSève Cinema), 1400 de Maisonneuve W. Info: 848-7326.
Friday, January 21
Ron Athey, on "Pleading in the Blood." The Concordia University Community Lecture Series on HIV/AIDS. 5:30 p.m., H-110, 1455 de Maisonneuve W. Free. Info: 848-4234.
Monday, January 25
Michael Turner, author of Hard Core Logo, American Whiskey Bar, and the forthcoming The Pornographer's Poem, will read from his work at 8:30 p.m., Hall Building, 1455 de Maisonneuve W. Info: 848-2340.
Thursday, January 28
John Drysdale, Sociology and Anthropology, Concordia, on "A New College for Loyola." 3:30 5 p.m., Lonergan College, 7302 Sherbrooke W. Free. Info: 848-2280.
Friday, January 29
Margaret Morrison, University of Toronto, on "How Models Represent the World." 4 p.m., H-407, 1455 de Maisonneuve W. Info: 848-2500.
Concordia's Legal Information Services offers free and confidential legal information and assistance to the Concordia community. By appointment only. Call 848-4960.
Concordia Council on Student Life
CCSL, the governing body for Student Services at Concordia, will meet on January 15 at 10 a.m. (AD-131, Loyola). CCSL deals with issues that affect student life at Concordia. All are welcome. Info: Dean of Students, 848-4242.
Le Frigo Vert
A volunteer interest meeting will be held Thursday, January 14, at 4 p.m., 2030 Mackay, third floor. Learn how to get
involved in the non-profit, student-run natural foods store. Info:
The Office of Rights and Responsibilities is available to all members of the University community for confidential consultations regarding any type of unacceptable behaviour, including discrimination and personal/sexual harassment, threatening and violent conduct, theft, destruction of property. Call 848-4857, or drop by 2150 Bishop, room 110.
The Ombuds Office is available to all members of the University for information, confidential advice and assistance with university-related problems. Call 848-4964, or drop by 2100 Mackay, room 100.
Peer Helpers are students who are trained in active listening skills and referrals. Drop by to talk or get information at 2090 Mackay, MI-02, or call us at 848-2859.
Student education symposium
Students, faculty and others interested in education issues are invited to Learning Landscapes: Education in Action on February 5 and 6 in the McConnell library building. The symposium will feature a keynote speaker, practical workshops, student presentations and a wine and cheese. Info: 848-2012.
The Meaning and Implications of Globalization
The Institute for Social, Cultural and Environmental Studies presents this round-table colloquium for faculty in the Departments of Sociology and Anthropology, Geography and Religion with Dr. David Howes, Dr. Max Barlow and Dr. Frederick Bird. Wednesday, January 20, 4 6 p.m., R-103, 2060 Mackay.
Le Frigo Vert retreat
Workshops on food issues, free time, playing in the snow, meeting new people. In the Laurentians. $20 for food, lodging, transportation. Pay by January 19. Info: 848-7586.
All about QPIRG
Come discover QPIRG's working groups and projects. Figure out how you can plug yourself in. Visit us in the Mezz (1455 de Maisonneuve W.) between 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. on Thursday, January 14. Info: 848-7585.
Fellowship competitions
The Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute, with funding from CIDA, invites applications for the following: Language Training Fellowships (1999-2000), deadline January 31; Undergraduate Awards (1999-2000), deadline January 31. Info: (403) 220-7467, sici@acs.ucalgary.ca
Essay competition
The Liberal Arts College is celebrating its 20th anniversary with a special prize essay competition. Open to all College applicants, the 1,000-word essay should address the anniversary theme: Reading Great Books, Reading Ourselves: The Books of our Lives. First prize: $1,000. Second prize: $500. Deadline: June 1999. Info: Lina D'Iorio, 848-2565.
Garnet Key Society
Concordia's official honour society is accepting applications for the 1999-2000 year. Members of the Garnet Key volunteer as ambassadors, representing the student body at official University events. For information, drop by H-730-1, or call 848-4828 before February 20.
Student Safety Patrol
Our drop-by and accompaniment services are offered to all of Concordia's students, faculty and staff. Call 848-7533 to reach a dispatcher, Monday to Friday, 6 p.m. to midnight.
Actors/actresses wanted
For a Concordia University TVIII final production. Auditions start soon; call for an appointment. Tom: 481-3942; office: 848-2536; e-mail: annie42@total.net
Teachers wanted
Seeking French as a Second Language teachers. Grad students in the French or Education departments preferred. Must have own materials and some experience. Mostly evenings. Starting salary $15/hr. Kathleen McKeown, Instruction Essentielle, at 989-1992.
Jeep Cherokee for sale
Bids are being accepted for a beige 1987 Jeep Cherokee with 191,000 km, 4-wheel drive, automatic transmission, and 6-cylinder engine. Kept in a garage and driven primarily in the summer, it is in excellent condition. Contact Ian Ferguson at 848-3397 or ian@vax2.concordia.ca
To share
Charming lower duplex in NDG to share with non-smoking female. Clean, quiet, hardwood floors, office, laundry room. $425, all included. Call 482-1610.
To share
Two international students look for another to share a big, semi-furnished 5 1/2. Downtown. Clean, quiet, all included, laundry in the building, $300/mth. Call 989-8960.
Rental wanted
Looking to rent house or duplex (3 bedrooms) in Montreal West, NDG area, from mid-February to July. Call 931-2579 or 287-8500, ext. 8953.
Spanish immersion programs
Carefully selected schools in Mexico, Central and South America, Spain. Programs all year. Info: Joan MacLean-Dagenais at North-South Connections, 236-3400.
U.S. work permits
We can help Canadian citizens increase their chances of receiving U.S. work permits. Also, U.S. immigration and related business matters. B. Toben Associates (U.S. lawyers), 288-3896.
The Concordia Women's Centre is an information, referral and drop-in centre. We offer a women-only lounge area, resource library, photocopier, job listings, courses, community files and more. Call us about the next Action self-defence course, 848-7431, or drop by at 2020 Mackay, downstairs.
What is Social Ecology?
Social Ecology is an interdisciplinary approach to the study of people's relationship to the rest of nature. This workshop will explore major themes in social ecology. Saturday, January 16, 1 4 p.m., 2170 Bishop. Info: QPIRG, 848-7585.
Library Workshops
Workshops at Webster Library are in room LB-212; those at Vanier Library are in room VL-122 and are hands-on (sign-ups required). For more information, call 848-7777 (Webster) or 848-7766 (Vanier).
1. Navigating the Libraries (intro to library services and CLUES): Webster (this session combines Navigating the Libraries and How to Find Articles Using Databases): Saturday, January 16, 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.. Vanier: Thursday, January 21, 5 - 6 p.m.
2. How to Find Articles Using Databases: Webster: Saturday, January 16, 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. (this session includes Navigating the Libraries); Monday, January 18, 3 - 4 p.m; Wednesday, January 27, 5 - p.m. Vanier: Wednesday, January 20, 3 - 4:30 p.m.
3. Get Connected to Lexis-Nexis: Webster: Friday, January 22, 10 11 a.m. Vanier: Monday, January 25, 3 - 4:30 p.m.
4. Get Connected to Internet Search Tools: Webster: Thursday, January 28, 3 - 4 p.m. Vanier: Tuesday, January 26, 3 - 4:30 p.m.
Employee development workshops
To register, or for inquiries, please contact Carmelita Swann at 848-3668, or via e-mail at cswann@alcor.
1. Personal Financial Planning.Learn to assess your current financial situation and develop a plan for a secure financial
future. Session 1: January 25; Session 2: February 1; Session 3: February 8; all take place between noon and 2 p.m. Register
by January 18. A-400, 1420 Sherbrooke St. W.
2. Minute-taking.Learn how to take clear, concise, and comprehensive minutes. Structure, content and technique will be
discussed. $40. 9 a.m. - noon, January 22. A-400, 1420 Sherbrooke St. W. Please register by January 15.