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An open letter from the FIS Implementation Management Team
By now, many of you are all aware that on June 1 we will be replacing our financial system with a new product called SCT Banner 2000.
Our current financial system (CUFS) is not Y2K-compliant and
is no longer supported by the company that created it. For the
past year, a team composed of members of Financial Services,
IITS, users from departments and research
representatives have been hard at work building and testing the
new system. This process is now in its final stages.
Can I access the new system on June 1, 1999?
Access to the new system will be limited only to those people who had direct access to the old financial system. This will limit the initial use of Banner to budget managers and the staff of Financial Services, the Library and the Bookstore. People in these units are being trained this month.
When will I be able to access the new system?
Once the new system has been stabilized and is running smoothly, we will begin a process of rolling out Banner to users. We expect to begin this process in September of 1999. A letter will be sent out in September, informing users of our plans for training and installation of Banner. This plan calls for Banner to be rolled out to the community on a gradual basis throughout the fiscal year of the University. More details of this plan will be made available to you in September.
How will I obtain information about my accounts and their balances?
There will be three sources where you can obtain information on your accounts:
1. Through the Web, at http://mac-mai.concordia.ca/webapps/default.html#Financial
2. Through the Data Warehouse* (using third-party tools such as DataPrism or Access)
3. You will continue to receive monthly reports similar to the ones you receive now.
*If you do not have an account for the Data Warehouse, you may obtain one by contacting Paul Sarenas by e-mail (Pomster@alcor.concordia.ca ). Please note that the data we put on the Data Warehouse will be different from the old data in CUFS. Documentation on how to extract this data will be provided to you.
When will I be notified of my new account numbers for Banner?
In the next few weeks, you will receive a memo listing your
old CUFS organization and the new number in Banner. In addition,
you can look up your new Banner account directly at the following
WEB site: http://websis.concordia
.ca/fis/wwCufs2Banner.exe. Simply type in your old organization
number and the new Banner number will appear. You will also be
able to obtain a complete list of all object codes at the same
When should I start using my new account codes?
The official start date for the new system is June 1.
Will forms such as expense claims, purchase requi-sitions remain the same?
No, the expense claims and promotional claims have been combined into one form. Also, there have been changes made to the purchase requisition, the minor purchase order and the release authorizations. You may obtain these new forms directly from the Bookstore.
Can I continue to use the old forms after June 1?
We would strongly encourage you to use the new forms starting June 1. However, we will still accept the old forms until September 30, 1999. Whatever form you do use, please ensure you use the new Banner codes. Arrangements have been made with the Bookstore to allow people to exchange their old forms for the new Banner forms.
Will there be delays with processing expense claims in the new system?
Yes, the changing and implementation of a new financial system is a major undertaking. There will be delays, especially during the first few months when we start on the system. Your patience during this period will be much appreciated. You can help eliminate delays by using the new forms and the new Banner codes on all your requests (e.g. claims, requisitions, etc).
When will the ending balance(s) from the old financial system for my research account(s) be brought forward in Banner?
On June 18, we will close out the old financial system and bring forward the balances into the new Banner Financial system. Please note that a completely accurate balance for your account will not be available until we have completed this operation. Operating accounts are not affected by this procedure since they do not carry forward their balances.
I understand Banner works fine on a PC but not on a MacIntosh?
The IITS Department has tested Banner on MacIntosh machines and has announced that Banner will work on them. It will require a G3 MacIntosh with a virtual PC on it.
To find out more information on the new financial system,
check out the following Web Site: http://relish.concordia.ca/treasury/fis/sct.html