At a glance
This column welcomes the submissions of all Concordia
faculty and staff to promote and encourage individual and group
activities in teaching and research, and to encourage
work-related achievements.
Alex Sharma (TESL) gave a presentation on
School-Based Teacher Training at the Chulalongkorn University
Language Institute's Third International Conference, in Bangkok,
Thailand, in December. He also visited with Concordia grads
teaching in Thailand: Catherine Owens (MA 1985),
program director of NAVA Schools; Carl Peters (Certificate
1988), instructor at Chulalongkorn University Language Institute;
Robb Armstrong (BEd 1994), instructor at Phuket
Rajabhat Teacher Training Institute; and Anie Desautels (BEd
1998), instructor in the English Immersion Program at Bangkok
Christian College.
Nancy Marrelli (Archives) organized a meeting
at Concordia in late April of the steering committee of the
International Council of Archives. The independent,
non-governmental organization has more than 1,450 members in 170
countries and territories, and this was the first time the
committee had met in Montreal. They were given the chance to tour
Old Montreal, meet leading Canadian and Quebec archivists, and
visit the National Archives of Canada, in Ottawa and Gatineau.
Suresh Kumar Goyal (Decision Sciences/MIS)
has joined the editorial advisory board of the international
bimonthly Total Quality Management (TQM), published by MCB
University Press (UK). Goyal and colleague Fassil Nebebe
had their paper, "Determination of Economic Production:
Shipment Policy for a Single-Vendor-Single-Buyer System,"
published in the February issue of the European Journal of
Operational Research.
Christine Jourdan and Claire Lefebvre
(Sociology and Anthropology) had their paper,
"L'ethnolinguistique aujourd'hui: État des lieux,"
published in Anthropologie et sociétés: l'ethnolinguistique.
Marie-Nathalie Le Blanc (Sociology and
Anthropology) had a paper, "The Production of Islamic
Identities through Knowledge Claims in Bouaké, Côte
d'Ivoire," published in African Affairs.
A non-figurative "monoglyph" by Dennis Jones
(Printmaking) took first prize in the Fifth International
Biennale of Miniature Art, to be held at Ville-Marie, in the
Abitibi region northwest of Montreal, this summer. The four-month
exhibition of miniature artworks -- sculpture, drawing,
bas-relief, painting and printmaking -- draws artists from around
the world who can work on a small scale (no bigger than three by
four inches). Jones, who retired from active teaching several
years ago, finds pleasure in this brand of creativity. "It's
a heck of a challenge to fill four corners," he said.
An article by Brian Petrie (Sociology and
Anthropology), "Social Misconstructions in the Analysis of
the Australian Experiences of the French-Canadian Patriote
Convicts, 1839-1848," was published in Histoire
Sociale/Social History.
An article by Frances Shaver (Sociology and
Anthropology), Martin S. Weinberg and Colin J. Williams,
"Gendered Sex Work in the San Francisco Tenderloin,"
was published in Archives of Sexual Behavior.
Neil Gerlach (Sociology and Anthropology)
presented "Visions of Metropolis: The Social Science Fiction
of Georg Simmel" at the International Conference of the
Fantastic in the Arts, in Fort Lauderdale.
Anthony Synnott (Sociology and Anthropology)
presented "Pigs, Jerks and Enemies: The New Sexism" at
the American Men's Studies Association Conference, in Buffalo,
Sima Aprahamian (Sociology and
Anthropology/Simone de Beauvoir Institute) and Karin
Doerr (Classics, Modern Languages and
Linguistics/Montreal Institute for Genocide Studies/Simone de
Beauvoir) were organizers of a three-part session on genocide at
a conference at the University of Alberta on May 29, called
Genocide Reconsidered: Women's Reflections and Concerns.
Congratulations to Zenon A. Zielinski
(Building/Civil/Environmental Engineering), who has been made a
Fellow of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers. This year Dr.
Zielinski celebrates his 50th year in the field. He began
teaching at Sir George Williams University in 1971. As a
professional engineer, he has developed structural systems
implemented in Poland, the U.S., Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan,
India, Nepal, Barbados, Grenada and Canada.