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Nominations for Board of Governors
A general invitation is being extended to nominate new members to Concordia's senior governing body, the Board of Governors.
According to the Board's constitution, 23 of its 40 members are to be representative of the community outside the university; the other members represent students, faculty, alumni and staff.
The advertisement of nominations responds to a commitment made last fall by the senior administration to the Concordia Student Union.
Nominations will be accepted on a continual basis, and are considered annually at the regular spring meeting of the nominating committee. Every year, a small number of vacancies arise as governors' terms expire. For more information, click here.
Help for journalists in Kosovo
Concordia is part of an effort to strengthen the work of journalists in Kosovo through an exchange involving the Department of Communication Studies and Journalism.
An international effort is being made to help support democratic institutions in the region, which is still recovering from bitter conflict with the former Yugoslavia. As part of this effort, CIDA, the Canadian International Development Agency, is funding a project called the Program to Assist Independent Media in Kosovo.
The effort is being coordinated by Rseau Libert, headed by Ral Barnab and based in Montreal. Concordia's partners in the project are the CBC; the CEGEP de Jonquire, which has a media program and considerable experience with international projects; and the World Bank, based in Washington. Concordia's role is being coordinated by the Centre for International Academic Cooperation (CIAC).
The first phase, starting May 19, will see Journalism Professor Enn Raudsepp going to Kosovo for four weeks to work with several newspapers on editorial policy, layout and other practical aspects of journalism. Also in May, six senior radio and television producers from Kosovo will spend three weeks visiting broadcasting outlets in Montreal and Toronto, and spend three days at Concordia, May 29 to 31, in workshops on media management.
Engineers meet here
The Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME) will hold the CSME Forum 2000 concurrently with the International Conference on Integrated Design and Manufacturing in Mechanical Engineering at a Montreal hotel from May 16 to 19. Concordia is one of the host institutions, along with the cole Polytechnique and McGill University. For more information on the Forum 2000, contact Professor Joseph Pegna at 848-4193.
The vegetable garden will be a large one, located on the field east of the stadium. At left, student Zev Tiefenbach (far left) confers with Robert Lortie (Coordinator, Maintenance Operations), groundskeeper Manuel Dacosta, and Marvin Cooper (Athletics, Facilities/Maintenance) at the veggie-patch-in-the-making on the Loyola campus. Also present for this discussion were plumber Serge Bonin, carpenter Claude Rivard and Jacques St-Amour (Custodial Services).
Creative Arts Therapies show
The Centre for the Arts in Human Development, which is associated with the graduate program in Creative Arts Therapies, is breaking out the greasepaint for another springtime show.
For several years, the Centre has mounted an original musical production featuring its developmentally challenged young clients. This year, the play is based on Alice in Wonderland, and is scheduled for June 15, 16, 17 and 18. The director is once again Professor Stephen Snow. A gala fundraising reception will be held June 17, and the Hon. Lise Thibault, Lieutenant-Governor of Quebec, will be the guest of honour.
In March, to help launch the annual Quebec Semaine de la Dficience Intellectuelle, students and staff in the Visual Arts Building participated in a walkathon that raised $315 for the Centre. Thanks to everyone, especially educator Suzanna Brydon, for organizing the event. CBC's National Magazine is preparing a documentary on the unusual and effective way the Centre integrates community outreach, creativity, and the active education of students who intend to work with the disabled.
Denim for breast cancer
Volunteers around the university are once again selling pink ribbons to wear on Denim Day, Tuesday, May 16. Your $5 gives you the right to wear denim to the office, by arrangement with your supervisor, to show your support for breast cancer research. Here's where you can pick up your ribbon on campus:
At SGW: Bookstore; Commerce, GM-403-17, GM-720-3 and GM-903-19; Continuing Education, FB-117; Counselling and Development, H-440; Dean's Office in Fine Arts, VA-250; Environmental Health and Safety, GM-1100-50; Graduate Studies, S-105; Health Services, ER-407; Information Services' Info Desk in the Hall Bldg.; Printing Super Centre, LB-119; Public Relations, BC-117; Rector's Cabinet, BC-216.
At Loyola: Dean's Office in Arts and Sciences, AD-231; Recreation and Athletics, PA-104.
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