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In Brief
Prize-winning entries
The Canadian Council for the Advancement of Education (CCAE) presents prizes every spring for achievement in university advancement, alumni affairs and communications.
This year, the Marketing Communications Department, under Director Sandra-Lynn Spina, won a silver medal in the Best Radio, Video or Multimedia Presentation category for two 30-second television commercials they produced last fall with TSN for the Vanier Cup football game.
A bronze was won by Chris Mota and Evelyne Abitbol, of the Public Relations Department, for the Mediafax, a short listing of story ideas and upcoming events provided more or less weekly to the media. It is also now sent out by e-mail as well as by fax.
The Capital Campaign staff, particularly Communications Officer Sami Antaki, won a silver for one of their publications in the Fund-Raising Case Statement category.
REACH anniversary
For the past 10 summers, undergraduate engineers have been making science fun for children from Grades 3 to 6 through hands-on experiments, games and a little mess and destruction at a day camp. Campers explore bridge-building, solar power, computer games and the dynamics of low-friction inline skates.
Fifty to 60 per cent of them return each year, and at least two campers from 1989 have entered engineering. One of them, Robert Fernandez, is this years REACH co-director from Concordia.
Preparations are under way for REACHs 10th anniversary edition, and one-week camp sessions begin June 28. For more information, please call Robert Fernandez or Kelly Williams at 398-3109.
Student uses Fulbright to study railway art
Martine Fournier will do much of the research for her Concordia Masters in Fine Arts thesis at Northwestern University, in Evanston, Illinois, thanks to a $15,000 Fulbright scholarship.
Fournier was inspired by the great literary critic Northrop Frye to look at what he called the Canadian "garrison mentality," our tendency to avoid confrontation with nature, among other things.
She is looking at how this attitude may be reflected in the landscapes commissioned during the heyday of the Canadian Pacific Railway, and how they compare to the art of the American railroad. Northwestern University has an excellent library collection for the purpose, and her research will help to support the growing body of scholarly work comparing Canadian and American values.
Fournier is a student of Brian Foss, who has himself received a National Gallery of Canada Research Fellowship.
Young scientist wins award
Congratulations to Tara MacRae, the first recipient of the Jesmar Communications Biotechnology Scholarship, awarded by the publishers of Biotechnology magazine.
MacRae is an undergraduate science student who has worked in the lab of Muriel Herrington, and has contributed to her research on the regulation of folate metabolism in E. coli.
Professor Herrington told Biotechnology that MacRae is very capable in the lab, carrying out procedures in both microbial genetics and molecular biology with care and excellent success rates. "She exhibits a lot of maturity and ability as a junior scientist and has strong potential," Herrington said.
Lehmann Award goes to Jane Stewart
Psychology Professor Jane Stewart is the recipient of the 1999 Canadian College of Neuropsychopharmacologys Heinz Lehmann Award, designed to recognize outstanding research contributions to the field in Canada. The prize consists of $5,000 donated by Hoffmann-La Roche. Stewart will be presented with her award lecture at the annual meeting of the CCNP in Halifax in June.
Prize-winning essays
Two Applied Human Sciences students, Karen Digby and Jennifer Gauvin, were honoured for their essays by the American Association of Leisure and Recreation (AALR). The presentations were made in April, at the annual conference of the American Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD), held in Boston.
Bicycle chair wins SIDIM prize
John Michael Bellamy, a student in Design Art, won the Prix Québec Eco-Design at the annual Salon International du design dintérieur de Montréal (SIDIM), held at Place Bonaventure May 27 to 30.
Bellamy, a former engineering student, took the competitions ecological theme to heart, and went to Concordias downtown bike shop, The Right to Move. He picked "the worst of the worst" bicycles, stripped them, put two frames upside down and welded a crossbar between them.
The result, with an attractive seat cushion, drew hundreds of industry admirers and about a dozen job offers. Now Bellamy, who admits his graduation is still a long way off, is looking into commercial possibilities.