In Memoriam

John Joseph Ryan

1926 Ð 2000

His Concordia friends were saddened to hear of the death February 20 in Brossard of Dr. John Ryan at the age of 74. Dr. Ryan taught in the Department of Theological Studies from 1978 until his retirement in 1992.

Charles Draimin (Accountancy) said, "I first met John Ryan at CUFA Council in the late 1980s. John was a passionate man. He was a priest, and though he had long since given up parish duties for scholarship, he never stopped preaching. His passion was to defend those who suffered injustice and bureaucratic stupidity, and he marshalled his considerable literary powers to this end. After he retired, John did not stop working. Despite increasing health problems, he published his study of the early French theologian Gerson about two years ago. I will miss him."

Another good friend, Classics Professor Lionel J. Sanders, noted that Dr. Ryan had a great love of classical music, and was an accomplished pianist. His first book, The Nature and Function of the Church in William of Ockham, was published in 1979.

Our sympathies are extended to Dr. Ryan's companion, Yves Goudreau, and to his four siblings, all residents of the United States. The funeral was held at St. Monica's Church on Feb. 23.

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