Our team of engineers, and graphic designers has been serving private enterprises and public organizations in Montreal area since 1987. Amoung the most recent are various departments of Montreal's Concordia university, periodic publications such as Thursday Report and private companies such as Kolostat Inc. and Mtlplaza. We will gladly take care of your Internet and computing needs as well.
   We will design a web site according to your specific needs, allowing secure data or financial transactions on-line. As an integral part of our services we offer free tutoring to you and your employees, so you will always stay in full control of your system.
   Our present services include:
- Private or group tutoring (applications, Internet, general computer use,...)
- Web hosting and access accounts with full support and detailed statistics
- Domain name registration
- Web site development and maintenance
- On-line advertising (Banner advertisement, newsgroups,...)
- Intranet development and maintenance
- Consulting Services (purchase, maintenance, programming,......)
- Individual or group training
- Hardware sales
- Secure web commerce
- HTML programming with full use of CGI scripts, Shockwave, Java, Vrml, and Real Audio,...
- Server configuration and set up in all platforms (Windows/Mac./Unix/..)
   To receive further information please fill the following form: