Incoming President Claude Lajeunesse (left, with Vice-President External Relations Marcel Danis behind him) met with Quebec education minister Jean-Marc Fournier on Sept. 11.
Installation of President is set for Friday, October 21
President Claude Lajeunesse will be installed in an afternoon ceremony on Oct. 21 in the lovely chapel of the Grey Nuns building.
It will be the climax of a two-day celebration that begins with a dinner speech on Oct. 20 by Donald Johnston, the Trudeau-era cabinet minister who is currently secretary-general of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, based in Brussels.
Doing the right thing in business
Ordinary investors read the financial pages with alarm, and business students are looking to their professors for guidance. Roughly 55,000 Quebecers sit on boards, from business enterprises to unions, hospitals, school boards and the government itself, and many of them have no previous experience to help them.
Concordia’s John Molson School of Business and HEC, the business school associated with the Université de Montréal, have responded by establishing a school devoted to “best practices” at the senior management level.
Next issue:
September 29, 2005
In this issue
- Execs work on MBAs in Paris
- World political science body to be based at Concordia
- AT ISSUE: Access to our universities is better than ever
- Marketing course wins award
- In memoriam
- Solar house goes to Washington
- Welcome to 43 new hires
- Academics take up blogging
- Celebrating a self-made artist’s joyous legacy
- English students expand their literary horizons in Russia
- German students do genomics at Concordia
- GSA starts year with conference on teaching assistants, research
- Dean of Students Keith Pruden knows his history
- CSU’s Mohamed Shuriye has a year to enact his agenda
- DVD project saves film pioneers
- Karen Teoh gets a dream job
- R4 responds to waste realities at Concordia
- Stingers baseball team has these players hooked
- Stingers football team 2-0 after home opener
- Paddling architect strikes gold