In Brief
March of 1000 Umbrellas

Photo by Andrew Dobrowolskyj
The umbrellas were not needed except to colour Concordia’s contribution to the March of 1,000 Umbrellas that launched Centraide’s annual fundraising campaign on Oct. 4. The city-wide campaign is co-chaired by Concordia governor Richard J. Renaud and business executive Jean-Guy Desjardins. This year’s goal is $47.75 million. More than two dozen Concordians participated in the launch, including the Stingers hockey team. Back row: Claudette Lavoie, Chantal Boudreau, Ginette Laurin, Garry Milton, Dina Tavares, and Concordia campaign chair Kathleen Perry. Front row, Stingers hockey players: Ron Smith, Ron James and Trevor Blanchard.
Dumoulin takes new position
Darren Dumoulin has been appointed Senior Advisor on Emergency Management, the first such position at a Quebec university. It was created following recommendations arising out of an external review of Concordia’s emergency management system.
After more than 12 years in the Security Department, the last four of which he served as Operations Manager, Darren brings to his new position extensive experience in both front line service and management within the Security Department and as a part-time firefighter and emergency medical technician for La Prairie.
He will work with the Vice-President, Services, through the Environmental Health and Safety Office. His responsibilities involve planning for emergency preparedness and business resumption across the university relating to policy development, implementation and monitoring of Concordia’s emergency plan. He can be reached at GM 1100-40, ext. 5638.
Human Resources & Employee Relations joins Services sector
The Department of Human Resources & Employee Relations has moved to the Services sector, where it will report to Vice-President Michael Di Grappa.
Human Resources & Employee Relations encompasses benefits, compensation, employment & employee development, payroll, pension and academic & employee relations.
“There have been discussions for some time about the most effective sector to house our Human Resources & Employee Relations area,” said President Claude Lajeunesse.
“Since my arrival at Concordia, we have pursued these discussions and a decision has been made to move forward with this reorganization. It is important to recognize the strategic role of Human Resources in our development and this move reinforces this fact.
“Given the challenges facing the university, the Vice-President External Relations and Secretary-General Marcel Danis and his group will concentrate their efforts on the university’s external relations, including key dossiers related to funding, and building support from the municipal, provincial and federal governments.”
Rugby game honours late Stinger
The Concordia Stingers and the McGill Martlets will play the inaugural Kelly-Anne Drummond Cup game on Wednesday, Oct. 12, at 7 p.m. at Concordia Stadium.
Kelly-Anne died on Oct. 4, 2004. Her boyfriend has been charged with second-degree murder and is awaiting trial.
Drummond was a member of the Stingers women’s rugby team from 1999 through 2001. Respected by her teammates for her commitment to the game, she also charmed her many friends with her inquisitiveness and fun-loving approach to life. She graduated from Concordia with a major in Communications in 2002.
A moment of silence will be observed before the game. Afterwards, Doreen Haddad will present the Cup to the captains of the winning team.
There is no charge to attend the game. However, donations for the West Island Women’s Shelter would be appreciated.
Mature students welcome at fair
The Centre for Mature Students, and the Recruitment Office are holding a Recruitment Information Fair on Oct. 22 from 1 to 4 p.m. in the atrium of the McConnell Library Building, 1400 de Maisonneuve Blvd. W.
All potential students are welcome, but especially those who qualify as mature students. These do not have a CEGEP DEC, are over 21, have been out of school at least two years and are Canadian citizens or residents.
For more information, contact the Centre for Mature Students or the Office of Student Recruitment at 848-2424, ext. 4777.
Julian Barnes to speak at Concordia

British writer Julian Barnes, whose latest novel, Arthur and George, is shortlisted for the Booker Prize, will speak at Concordia on Thursday, Oct. 27. His reading is at 7:30 p.m. in the atrium of the Samuel Bronfman Building, 1590 Dr. Penfield. It is part of the Writers Read at Concordia series, with Blue Metropolis.
Lecture by film scholar
This year’s Beckett-Baxter Memorial Lecture will be given Oct. 17 by David Bordwell, a pre-eminent film scholar and an excellent speaker.
His topic is “Network Narratives and Small-World Stories: New Narrative in Hollywood?” It deals with the sort of narrative seen in Nashville, and more recently, Magnolia.
Two of the books Bordwell wrote with Kristin Thompson, Film Art: An Introduction and Film History: An Introduction, are used for the core film aesthetics and film history courses in the Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema undergraduate programs.
His talk will be given in the DeSève Cinema, in the downtown library complex, starting at 5 p.m.
Roméo Dallaire to speak on Darfur
Canada and the Darfur Crisis, organized by the Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies, will be held Oct. 31 to Nov. 1.
The keynote speaker, on Nov. 1 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. in Room H-110, will be Lt.-Gen. Roméo Dallaire (Ret.), author of Shake Hands With the Devil, based on his experience leading a UN mission in Rwanda in 1993-94.
Panels will discuss options available to resolve the crisis, the role of the media, and opportunities to urge solutions to the problems in Sudan. For more, consult
Corrections to our last issue
Our article on Montreal Matters in the last issue unfortunately misidentified Management professors, Kathleen Boies and Tracy Hecht.
They will present their insights into balancing work and life on Oct. 28 at noon in the DeSève Cinema.
The photograph of Martha Langford that accompanied the article on page 3 of our last issue was incorrectly credited to Marc Losier.
The photograph was taken by Kate Hutchinson.
We regret the errors.