Lina Lipscombe lauded

Bookstore Director Lina Lipscombe has made The College Store Magazine’s list of “20 Women to Watch.” The magazine is a publication of the National Association of College Stores. representing 32,000 collegiate retailers in North America.
In 1996, Lina discovered that the Canadian Publishers Council had introduced changes to a bill that would amend Canadian copyright law to students’ financial disadvantage. Had the amendment passed, Canadian campus stores would not have been allowed to purchase or import used books from American wholesalers.
As president of the Eastern Association of College Stores, Lina rallied the troops, and through meetings with government officials was instrumental in having the amendment removed from the copyright law.
Lina also introduced the industry’s first-ever computerized student course lists here at Concordia in 1992.
She was a founding member of the Eastern Association of College Stores, and is a past president of both the Canadian Booksellers Association and Campus Stores Canada.