Danielle Morin wins Women's Y award for education

Danielle Morin
Photo by Christian Fleury
Danielle Morin was surrounded by cheering Concordia supporters when her name was announced by host Dorothée Berryman as the 2005 winner of the Y’s Women of Excellence Award in the education category.
Morin, who is currently Vice-Provost, Academic Programs, was given the honour at a dinner at the Hotel Bonaventure for about 1,000 people, nearly all of them women.
The award recognizes a woman who has inspired other women through her teaching, which certainly applies to Morin.
Edith Katz (Coordinator, Marketing and Communications, DIA/DSA) organized the nomination without Morin knowing about it, sending a letter that included testimonies from two staff members who worked with her.
Uzma Mustafa (JMSB and Arts and Science Alumni Relations Officer), wrote, “Danielle Morin has been instrumental in every step of my career.
“When I was a student, she always made herself available to the student associations and took an interest in our efforts. After graduation, I came to seek her advice about a job offer, and she ended up hiring me for my first job, as a student recruiter for the business school. Three years later, in a new position, I still value her opinion, and she always makes the time to give it.”
Sophie Fontaine (Director of Enrolment Services, JMSB), wrote, “Danielle Morin became my mentor in June 2000, when I first joined the School of Business. This one year under her direct supervision was instrumental in my defining myself and my career objectives. Since then we have both moved on to more challenging positions.
“I owe much off my success today to Danielle who, despite having moved on, has remained my mentor and strong supporter. I am very grateful to have found such a wonderful role model.”
The letter went into a dossier that was studied by the committee that chose from among three finalists for each category. Katz said, “I think that they have captured an important aspect of Danielle's approach: a sense of trust, consideration, and a genuine caring for the professional development of the women that she works with.”
Morin joined Concordia’s Faculty of Commerce and Administration (now the John Molson School of Business) in 1988. Her major academic interests are business statistics and multivariate statistics.
As Associate Dean of Undergraduate Affairs in the John Molson School of Business, Morin visited more than 70 colleges and schools in one academic year, encouraging thousands of young people to continue their education.
She joins three other Concordia women who have been given this award by the Y.
Lorna Roth, of Communications Studies, won the education award in 2003. Corinne Mount Pleasant-Jetté, of Engineering and Computer Science, won it in 1995, respectively, for their contributions in the field of education. In 1997, Maïr Verthuy, now retired from Études Françaises, was honoured in the Advancement of Women category.
The Women's Y of Montreal held its first Women of Distinction Benefit Gala in 1994 to acknowledge women working in such sectors as community service, science and health, sport and fitness, arts and culture. There is also a category for promising young women.