JMSB Best of the Best goes Hellenic

Guests Mackie Vadacchino de Massy and Michel de Massy
Photo by Christian Fleury
If you’ve got a winning formula, why change it? For the third year, organizers in the John Molson School of Business held their annual fundraising dinner as a movable feast, and raised $110,000 towards an endowment for doctoral fellowships.
This year, the theme was Greece, and 104 guests travelled by luxury coach to three excellent restaurants in the up-and-coming Mile End area of central Montreal.
For $1,250 per person, they were whisked off to Vegera for cocktails, Milos for the main course, and Mythos for dessert. All had exceptional food, and lively Greek music and dancing to boot.
Among the diners were JMSB staff members, who made personal contributions for their tickets. The recipients of fellowships from money raised at last year’s Best of the Best event attended. They were Melissa Toffanin and Karine Wei.
Among the guests were Richard Renaud, Stephen and Lillian Vineberg, Peter and Margo Hall, Peter and Claire Kruyt, Hans and Janet Black, Joey and Odette Basmaji, Professor Pierre Gauthier and Joey Saputo.
The patrons of the event were Saputo, the Goodman Institute, Wynnchurch Inc., Concordia University, Sajo and the law firm Colby, Monet, Demers, Delage & Crevier LLP. Corporate donors were Wynnchurch Inc. and Seed Capital.
Adequate funding is critical in attracting and speeding the progress of PhD students of the highest calibre. The proceeds of the April 18 event will go towards 2005 Best of the Best Fellowships to support two doctoral students for three years at $15,000 per year.