Sound play at Gallery

Marqueurs, by Jean-Pierre Gauthier
Jean-Pierre Gauthier, whose work Marqueurs is seen above, does sound installations that include complex contact and friction devices. He plays musical instruments of his own design made from toy instruments, amplified surface textures, and other sound objects.
Gauthier was one of three artists who performed in 3 Solos, a presentation at the Lion d’Or, on Ontario St., on Wednesday night as part of the current show at Concordia’s Leonard and Bina Ellen Art Gallery. The show, called Tracer, Retracer / Tracking the Traces, started this week and is on until April 9.
Tracking the Traces is about listening — the documentation, transmission, flow, and evocation of sound. This exhibition includes kinetic installation, video, sound installation, collection of artifacts, works on compact disc and live performances. The artists represented are Gauthier, Friedrich Jürgenson, Ian Murray, Dominique Petitgand, Lynn Pook (March 2 to 12 only), Péter Sülyi and Martin Tétreault.
The curator, Nicole Gingras, will give a tour on Tuesday, March 15, at 4:30 p.m., in French.