Artstravaganza auctions art at Centaur

This print, Contemplation, from The Song of Songs, is one of four works of art that will be featured in a silent auction on May 19 at the Centaur Theatre.
It was donated by Dr. Sean Murphy, a member of the advisory board of the Faculty of Fine Arts and past president of the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts. The artist was Cecil Buller, Dr. Murphy’s mother and an internationally known artist and printmaker.
The auction will also include artworks by Robert Racine and Concordia alumna Jarmila Kavena, Susan Coopler and Susan Pepler.
ARTstravaganza is the Faculty’s annual fundraiser, organized by the advisory board to support scholarships in Fine Arts.
The evening will feature the Montreal premiere of Professor Kit Brennan’s play Tiger’s Heart. Tickets are $100, and are available from Stacey Neale, ext. 4748.