Appointments in Student Services
Advocacy and Support Services: Claudette Fortier has left
her position as Coordinator, International Students Office, to become
Assistant Director; a search is underway for her replacement in the ISO.
Suzanne Daigneault, who had been working in the Department of Applied
Human Sciences, has been appointed Secretary.
Counselling and Development: Welcome to two new staff members. Shawna
Atkins has been named a Counsellor, and Dina Bela Medeiros
has been named Placement Advisor. There are now 11 Counsellors in this
department, and five masters level counselling interns.
Dean of Students Office:
Welcome to David Baker in his position as Service Assistant (SGW),
and to Mary Burns, a recent alumnus and teacher in the Theatre
Department, who has been named Service Assistant (Loyola).
Health Services: Welcome to thee new nurses, Giovanna Ciaravella,
Cynthia Lia and Maria Tassielli.