This column welcomes the submissions of all Concordia faculty and staff
to promote and encourage individual and group activities in teaching and
research, and to encourage work-related achievements.
Graham Martin
(Computer Science, Co-op, retired) was recently awarded the Queens
Golden Jubilee Medal for his work on the national and local scene for
children and adults with disabilities, as well as other volunteer work
in the community.
Congratulations to veteran animator
Christopher Hinton (Cinema), whose film Flux
has been nominated for a Genie. Hinton is also mentoring director for
a new program at the National Film Board, called the Animation Hothouse.
This intensive 12-week program will provide tools and support to six promising
young filmmakers from across Canada, to use to make animated works of
10 to 30 seconds duration.
Ron Mackay (TESL,
retired) published Evaluating Organization Capacity Development
in the autumn issue of the Canadian
Journal of Program Evaluation. He has just completed a participatory
six-month assessment of 22 ministries of the government of Guyana for
the Governance Network, Ottawa, and the InterAmerican Development Bank.
Paul Cholmsky,
a recent MA graduate of Educational Technology at Concordia, has won a
substantial U.S. National Science Foundation grant. Cholmsky is director
of multimedia development for ExporeLearning, a content creator for educational
programs, based in Virginia.
A paper by Clarence S. Bayne
(Decision Sciences/MIS, DIA/DSA) entitled, Cohésion sociale
dans une économie déchange à plusieurs cultures,
has been published by LEditions de lIQRC in the proceedings
of the conference Transmission
de la culture, petites sociétés, mondialisation,
which was held at Université Laval in May 2001. The conference
was organized by the Chaire Fernand-Dumont sur la culture, for INRS Urbanisation,
culture et société. Dr. Bayne also attended the Voluntary
Sector Initiative (VSI) Assembly and Roundtables in Ottawa in October.
The VSI is a partnership of the federal government and the voluntary sector
in Canada.
Steven Appelbaum
(Management) has recently published a number of papers, including A
Cross-Method Analysis of the Impact of Culture and Communications upon
a Health Care Merger: Prescriptions for Human Resources Management,
with J. Gandell, accepted for publication in the Journal of Management
Development; The Early Retirement Incentive Program: A Downsizing
Strategy, with E. Patton, accepted for publication in the Journal
of European Industrial Training.
Ira Robinson (Religion)
was a panelist at a mini-colloque de dialogue interreligieux: une approche
communautaire et interpersonnelle, sponsored by the Institut Interculturel
de Montréal.
Philip Spensely (Theatre)
is playing the role of Howard Safir, New York City police chief under
former Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, in the feature film Rudy!
, shot in Montreal. The film will be shown on television soon. Also in
the film, with major roles as part of Giulianis inner circle, are
former Concordia theatre students Marc
Comacho and John
Robert Tittler (History) has been elected chair of the executive
board of Records of Early English Drama, a Toronto-based international
research and publication project involving over 40 scholars in four countries,
now in its third decade of work.
Khaled Soufani
(Finance) was awarded the UK governments Department of Trade and
Industry Prize for best policy methodology paper at the 25th ISBA National
Small Firm Policy and Research Conference in the UK. The paper is entitled
A Comparative Analysis of the Impact of Taxation on the SME Economy:
The cases of the UK and the US. The paper is a product of an ongoing
research with academics in the University of Manchester Institute of Technology,
and the Manchester Business School in the UK on the effects of Fiscal
Policy on the finance and economic affairs of small businesses in Europe
and North America. The paper was co-authored with researchers at the University
of Manchester, U.K.
Stéphane Brutus
(Management) was one of two presenters for the first seminar for the Chaire
en gestion des competences de l'ecole de gestion de l'UQAM. The seminar,
held Dec 6, was titled L'évaluation
multi-sources comme outil de gestion des compétences.
Suresh Kumar Goyal
(Decision Sciences/MIS) has accepted an invitation to join the editorial
advisory board of the new International
Journal of Six Sigma.
Lt.-Gov. Lise Thibault
is now the honorary patron of the Quebec Association for Adult Learning.
The QAAL has offices in Concordias J.W. McConnell Building in close
proximity to the Education Department, with which it frequently collaborates.
Mme Thibault is herself a former adult educator, and gave an encouraging
speech to a QAAL conference here last fall (see CTR,
Nov. 21, 2002).