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October 24, 2002 Engineers let loose at Jeux de Génie



Hakan Kilic shows off the two second-place awards won by Concordia at the Engineering Games, for the machine competition and the academic test, computers category.


The Concordia team dressed in Harry-Potter-inspired costumes for the talent show.

by Melanie Takefman

“We are, we are, we are, we are, we are the engineers.
We can, we can, we can, we can, demolish 40 beers.”

With these words, Concordia’s Engineering Games (Jeux de Génie) contingent returned from Sherbrooke victorious with a fourth-place finish overall, including second place in machine and the computer academic categories — and sore throats.

The annual five-day event is a whirlwind of academic tests, physical competitions, cheering and socializing with engineering students from all over Quebec. While Concordia’s team has been hard at work since September, Engineering Games president Hakan Kilic affirmed that it’s all about having a good time.

“Everyone was so friendly, and tried to involve everyone else,” Kilic said.

Over the years, Concordia has earned the reputation for best team spirit. Similarly, their talent show presentation, a Harry-Potter-themed dance and skit combination with the Concordia team ultimately vanquishing evil (their opponents) in a final showdown complete with brooms and cloaks, was a huge crowd-pleaser.

Aside from the talent show, teams from 11 universities competed in academic tests in five engineering categories: i.e. computer, mechanical , electrical, civil and chemical. They also took part in offbeat sports competitions like three-legged soccer and volleyball in a raquetball court.
The machine category is the “most technical and most difficult,” according to Kilic, and the 15-person team worked for months in preparation. Students must construct a machine that will pass through a course and accomplish various tasks.

Since the Engineering Games is always such a positive experience, the eight executive committee members had to choose 44 participants from among 150 qualified applicants this year. Those with the most enthusiasm and technical savvy made the cut.

The executive committee is also in charge of fundraising. They hosted several events in the fall, including a Halloween party, and acquired corporate sponsorships from Bombardier and Intel, among others.

Kilic said that many people who meet at the Engineering Games will likely work together in the future.

“You never know where they’ll end up,” he said. “In Quebec, with the Order of Engineers, it’s like a big family.”