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May 23, 2002 Staff Appeal: Advancement and Alumni Relations asks, also gives



Staff in the Office of University Advancement and Alumni Relations recently reached their goal of $10,000 for an endowment to provide an annual in-course bursary to a student demonstrating a commitment to volunteerism.

Ninety-five per cent of the staff members contributed to this project, showing real team spirit, in the words of the Coordinator of Faculty and Staff Giving Dorothy Massimo. The endowment was launched with a celebration last year, and a last-minute fundraising blitz raised $380 in less than 48 hours to more than top up the fund.

Massimo said, “Concordia has always been known for its commitment to the community. By encouraging young volunteers, we can advance the notion of volunteering as a valuable investment in our communities, and as an enriching experience for our students.”

As many as 50 per cent of Concordia’s full-time students depend on some form of financial aid from the university and government through loans and grants. In 2000-2001, more than 6,000 Concordia students received almost $35 million from the government.

A recent award recipient summed up her appreciation: “It gave me the opportunity to integrate my dreams into my life as a student to a depth I did not imagine possible.”

Winners of the weekly Staff Appeal draw so far:

Terry Too (Office of the Registrar)
Karen Ayotte-Guibord (Vanier Library)
Judith A. Robinson (Purchasing Services)
Irene Ferullo (Vice-Rector IR/SG)
Elizabeth Wise (SGW Bookstore)
Bernard Glover (Campus Ministry)