Stephan Herman, chief electoral
Photo by Andrew Dobrowolskyj
by Barbara Black
Stephan Herman (in the hat) and Youri Cormier (in the background)
are determined to oversee a fair, transparent and vigorous student election.
Herman is chief electoral officer and Cormier is his deputy, although Herman
says he considers him an equal partner. The pair held a news conference
March 1 to lay out their plans for the coming contest.
These include information booths, one on each campus, with the latest information
on nominations and balloting, and electronic monitoring of the voters
Herman, 27 and a political science student, says hes determined to
increase voter participation beyond the all-time record of nearly 15 per
cent in the November by-election.
Ill make animal balloons, juggle, he said facetiously.
Ill grab people as they go up the elevator harass them,
if need be.
This is Hermans first foray into student politics, but he radiates
the assurance of a seasoned pol. He was involved in the No campaign for
the 1995 sovereignty referendum, and worked on a campaign for city councillor
Robert Libman.
One of the first things he noticed was that the Jewish Passover starts at
sundown in the middle of the voting period, on March 27. However, the CSU
constitution stipulates that the election be held on the last three days
of March that the university is open.
Herman said that an observant Jew could vote during about 50 per cent of
the three-day period. There would be one full day [March 26], another
full day until sundown [March 27], and even on the third day, he or she
could take time out from services to vote.
The nomination period ended March 11 at midnight. Debates will be held March
19 in H-110 and March 21 at The Hive, on the Loyola Campus. A Meet the Candidate
Night is scheduled for tonight at Reggies Pub, in the Hall Building.
Slates in the 2002 student
Representative Union
President: Chris Schulz
VP Finance: John Evans
VP External: Yasmin Gardad
VP Internal: Mindy Eklove
VP Academic: Adeel Metali
VP Services: Riccardo Fillipone
VP Communications: Saira Haseeb Khalid
Team Can Do
President: Sabine Friesinger
VP Academic: Ralph Lee
VP Campaigns: Aaron Mate
VP Communications: Kealia Curtis
VP Finance: Sameer Zuberi
VP External: Geneva Guerin
VP Internal: Yves Engler