Louis-Eric Trudeau
Photo by Andrew Dobrowolskyj
by Sylvain Comeau
Science is a demanding pursuit, suitable only for those who love the challenge.
Science College graduate Louis-Eric Trudeau made that abundantly clear in
a lecture on Jan. 25 as part of Science College Day.
Trudeau, who teaches pharmacology at the Université de Montréal
and runs a genetics lab there, shared the love of science he learned at
the College, a passion which has sustained him through long hours and precarious
research funding. He spoke after a day of poster presentations by Science
College students who hope to follow in his footsteps.
The major attraction for me was the ability to do research in real
labs throughout my bachelors degree, Trudeau said. That
is really a unique feature of the Science College.
Trudeau, who worked on diverse research projects as an undergraduate, feels
that early experience, and the Colleges multidisciplinary approach
to science training, prepared him for the usually scary experience of being
plunged into research for his masters degree.
Most undergraduates only learn about what its like to do research
when they are ready to start their masters. But I already knew what
to expect from a career in science because of my involvement in real lab
work as an undergraduate student.
Those real projects in the lab yielded real publications [in scientific
journals], which was an incredible plus on my c.v. when applying for scholarships
to do graduate studies, Trudeau said. The evaluating committees have
to look at a lot of c.v.s, and they are looking for something that differentiates
yours from the pack. Research work makes you stand out.
Early research led to scholarships
The result for Trudeau was four scholarship offers to do his masters.
He accepted one from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
(NSERC) and did his masters at the Université Pierre et Marie
Curie in Paris. He did his PhD at Université de Montréal and
a post-doctoral fellowship at Iowa State University.
It takes a lot of time to get your PhD, but then youre still
not finished. You cant get a job in academia or in research institutes
with just a PhD.
There again, his early experience paid off. The norm today is that
you usually need two postdoctoral fellowships; in my case, I did a single
fellowship [before getting a job in academia].
Trudeau set up his own pharmocology lab when he was hired at Université
de Montréal, which required a lot more intellectual heavy lifting.
They gave me a big lab, but it was almost completely empty. I had
to start from scratch, which is pretty hard to do. First you have to get
salary support, because nowadays many universities, especially faculties
of medicine, hire you but dont pay your salary. You have to pay your
salary, and for your lab, through grants, which is an interesting challenge.
The next challenge was staffing his lab with quality students; currently,
a science college graduate works there, and Trudeau hopes to get more in
the future. He points out that he certainly needs all the help he can get.
If you wonder why professors look tired when you come to their classes,
maybe this will help you understand, said Trudeau, displaying a graph
with a breakdown of a typical professors activities.
I would say I spend 50 to 60 per cent of my time in research activities;
25 per cent of my time teaching; another 25 per cent of my time writing
or reviewing grant applications; 10 per cent writing journal articles and
attending seminars; and finally another 10 per cent attending meetings.
That adds up to about 130 per cent of my time, which I think is a fair reflection
of my schedule.
He quickly added that the rewards are rich, even if the professors themselves
never are.
The rewards are mostly internal, not monetary, but despite long hours,
I am very happy to be where I am.