before the November 15 meeting of the Board of Governors, a special ceremony
was held to honour Leonard Ellen and name him Governor Emeritus. He joins
Brian Aune, Rev. S. Drummond, S.J., John Economides, Me André Gervais,
Q.C, Henry Habib, Mrs. B. J. Lande, C. S. Malone, Donald McNaughton, James
Smith, and Claude Taylor.
An active member of the Board since 1986 and ardent campaigner on behalf
of Concordia, Ellen lent his name to the Leonard and Bina Ellen Art Gallery
when the gallery moved to its new quarters in 1992.
Honorary Treasurer of the recent capital campaign, Leonard Ellen received
the Faculty of Commerce Award of Distinction in 1991 and has played a
key role in numerous university committees, including University Advancement
(Chair, 1987-88, 1996-97; member, 1997-2000), Real Estate Committee (1988-89,
1999-00), Graduation Ceremonies Committee (1993-94, 1999-00), Finance
Committee (Vice-Chair, 1987-88, 1989-90), among others.
Board Chair Lillian Vineberg also took the opportunity to thank Amely
Jurgenliemk, who has served the Board since 1993 and was Secretary of
the Board and Senate from January 1998 until July 2000. Amely has moved
to the Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema, where she is Department Administrator.