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March 15, 2001 Senate Notes





Performance contracts: Rector Frederick Lowy said that owing to a cabinet shuffle, the signing of this document with the education minister was delayed. However, Francois Legault has been confirmed in the post, and the signing may take place next week. In the meantime, because the university’s future financing hinges on this contract, discussion of a motion to Senate from the Concordia Student Union regarding administrative fees was postponed.

School of Graduate Studies: Dean of Graduate Studies and Research Claude Bédard asked Senate to approve an award for mentoring that would complement the annual awarding of research fellowships by the School. Dean of Arts and Science Martin Singer said that Arts and Science Faculty Council is overwhelmingly opposed to an award for mentoring, and Harvey Shulman (Arts and Science) asked, Why do we need a School of Graduate Studies?
Dr. Lowy and Dean Bédard said that there is naturally an overlap in function with the Faculties themselves; that all universities grapple with this built-in tension, but ultimately decide to keep a school or faculty of graduate studies; that some institutions have a strong unit, with substantial powers, while others, like Concordia, have a relatively modest form.
(A new deadline for nominations will be announced contingent upon Senate approval of the Award.)

General education: A motion that would see the implementation by September 2002 of the plan for a general core education in Arts and Science was passed. The plan itself was accepted at the January meeting of Senate.

Internal budgeting: A set of principles was accepted that would guide internal budgeting in all aspects of the university, including both academic and support units. This essentially ties budget specifically to enrolment, and conforms to the new financing guidelines of the ministry of education.

Inter-university partnerships: A motion by Provost and Vice-Rector Research Jack Lightstone was passed that will establish protocols for shared programs and individual students who change institutions.

Professor Emeritus policy: All full professors who retire in good standing may use the designation "Professor Emeritus." A procedure was proposed to award some retiring professors the title "Distinguished Professor Emeritus." The composition of the committee was the subject of considerable debate, partly procedural. It was agreed that Arts and Science would have three representatives, one each for the humanities, sciences and social sciences, and that the other three Faculties would have one representative each.

Next meeting: April 6