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January 25, 2001 In Brief



Wired families

The Concordia Computer Store is pleased to announce its affiliation with Quebec’s Programme Brancher les Familles sur Internet.

If you are presently receiving family allowance benefits, you are eligible for an up-front $500 rebate on the purchase of a computer system, plus a subsidy of up to75 per cent for your Internet connection.

Seminar for students

Paul Wells, columnist for the National Post, will be the featured speaker at a luncheon seminar aimed at students and sponsored by the Fraser Institute, a conservative think-tank.

This is an all-day event with a number of other presenters. It will be held Saturday, February 10, at the Hôtel du Parc, 3625 avenue du Parc, and is free. For more information, visit www.fraserinstitute.ca.

Jobs in pulp and paper

PAPTAC, the Pulp and Paper Technical Association of Canada, is holding an open house on Wednesday, January 31, to acquaint students and recent graduates with the jobs opening up in their industry.

They are keen to see new graduates in chemistry, mechanics, computer science, engineering and management. The event, from 2 to 6 p.m. at the Palais des Congrès, is called Papermakers of Tomorrow 2001.

New Concordia home page

A preliminary version of a new Concordia home page and introductory layers of the university home site is now available at www.concordia.ca (in English only at the present). You may have to refresh or re-load the site on your browser if it is already open.

The direct address of the new home site is beta.concordia.ca.

Please take some time to try out the new site; you may want to create a temporary bookmark. Your feedback (available online on the new site) is welcome.

The new site will replace the old home page after an initial trial period.

Business students play games

About 80 students from the John Molson School of Business took part in the Commerce Games for Quebec undergraduate students, and came away fifth out of 12 schools. The Games were held this year at the UniversitŽ du QuŽbec ˆ MontrŽal. The Concordia teams won two gold medals (accounting and entrepreneurship), a silver (finance) and two bronzes (international business and productions operations management). They also came fourth in the case competitions and won a silver in debates, emerging fourth in the academic games and fifth overall. On the social side, they won gold in a quiz and bronze in ultimate frisbee.

Congratulations to them all, and to Professor Mark Haber, their academic coach via his Commerce Games course.

Test your health smarts

This year’s Health Fair will be held on the mezzanine of the Hall Building on March 21. To get you in the mood, here are some questions from “Four of a Kind,” a quiz developed by Health Educator Owen Moran.

1. How many health care professionals are available to you at Concordia Health Services?
a) 8
b) 16
c) 24
d) 32

2. Antibiotics are effective in treating
a) a cold
b) the flu
c) chlamydia and gonorrhea
d) viral hepatitis

3. The best diet for people who exercise a lot is
a) a high-protein diet
b) a high-fat diet
c) a high-carbohydrate diet
d) a diet that contains the right balance of supplements

Answers to Health Quiz: 1) c 2) c 3) c